Moral relativism has been abandoned by next to the entirity of legitimate secular ethicists and logicians.
To admit something cant be reasoned about is a horror to philosophers and their ilk, mental masturbation is what they get payed for after all ...
If you dig deep enough moral arguements can only go in circles, in the end morals are just feelings ... some of which are shaped by nurture. But opinions and feelings can change too BTW. In fact really most of the arguementative side of the pro life movement is just for show, showing cute fetus shots is much more effective.
I am painfully aware that as far as things go moral relativism isnt all that helpfull ... I did not mean to give you the impression I was providing it as a solution to anything. I just happen to think it is the truth. I mostly wanted to show a nasty side effects of a fundamentalist pro life approach to the issue (ie. a ban on the pil). Not as a moral arguement, but as a shock factor (ie. the equivalent of the cute fetus shot).
Still, now you brought it up ...
Your arguements against moral relativism break down to two things (a little simplified obviously

1. It sucks.
Granted ... but irrelevant.
2. Everyone agrees murder is bad.
The problem with the second arguement is that it always goes for the easy targets instead of homosexuality, sex out of wedlock, redistribution of wealth etc. (Oh almost forgot, prevention of implantation too of course

The views on these topics havent just been changed in an abberation by a small group for a short time, the opinions have sea-sawed throughout history and cultures.
Yes some moral views are shared by all but anti-socials and sociopaths, ie. the overwhelming
majority, but some arent.
The knowledge that morals are relative has no effect on your own morals BTW. You cannot consciously change what you feel, at least not that easily. If you kill your friends you will still think it is wrong, and I will still think it is wrong.
Consider if I and everyone else share your sense of right and wrong with regards to a particular thing for the exact same reasons should we dismiss the possibility that indeed that shared idea is irrelevant.
No, we should vote for the same party.
It does not resolve any dispute but rather relegates the dispute to a never ending quarrel.
Like it doesnt anyway, even among absolutists disagreement is the only absolute

Human progression withstanding, that is one of the constants.
You see how absolutely illogical it really is or will it be insisted on for the rationalization of certain political agenda?
I wouldnt say illogical, more a-logical.
But what most people don't realize is that if you believe in this ideal then it also dismisses whatever you have to share as irrelevant as well.
Facts remain facts. Merely because you dont respect my opinion is a poor reason to not pick up any relevant facts and check them for yourself. I personally distrust libertarians as far as I can shoot them out of a very big cannon, but I still have found them quite informative on occasion.
PS. talking about philosophers and their ilk, I ran across
this while looking for a picture of a monkey fetus (curiously near impossible to find). All that dribble and what is the conclusion ... the people with the strongest feelings, aka the loudest mouths, are right. Weeeeeee ....