Vince said:Natoma said:You're making an assumption based on your own belief of when life begins, no definitive hardcore fact. You and Vince both.
Bullshit. How many times must we go over this? It's been stated time and time again that the generally accepted concensus for life is the ability to:
Vince said:I'm not going to get into another argument now after the other thread, but Biologists generally are in agreement that "life" is defined by an organisms that is capable of self-replication and completion of one Carnot cycle.
Vince Previously said:First of all, your biological knowledge is severely lacking and as with most pro-abortion supporters who argue based on pseudo-science, a lack of knowledge, and their political motivations - it's killing you. The current general convention holds that an entity is "alive" if it satisfies two conditions
Replication - the ability to self-replicate and reproduce.
Chemical Assimilation - the ability to aquire particular molecules and use them in controlled rxn's, a singular Carnot cycle is often used as the bound
How about you do some reading and stop arguing from such an ingnorant position?
As I said before Vince, biological reductionist logic is not shared by everyone in the abortion or anti-abortion camp. Some people believe it's only when you're self aware. Some believe it's before contraception and inside your ova and sperm.
If biological reductionism was the only qualifier for what is life, you'd be pissing off a hell of a lot of catholics now wouldn't you? If biological reductionism was the only qualifier for what is life, you couldn't ever perform a mercy killing on a vegetative state patient now could you?
Natoma in the very previous post said:So then why not call all forms of contraception murder then? If you remove the contraception, then the chances of creating a baby increase dramatically do they not? Is this not what the catholic church argues when they rail against contraceptive technology? You're killing potential human beings?
I don't really care about the biological reductionist logic Vince, because I know where we all start off from as genetic individuals. But the point is that there are huge portions of society, read: catholic church, who rail even against contraceptives by taking that allusion to its furthest point. You personally may stop at conception, but many people do not.
For hundreds of years in christendom, sex was only for reproduction, never for pleasure. Since the invention of the contraceptive, sex has slowly moved away from reproduction only to pleasure mostly, and reproduction only when people feel like it. Is everyone therefore mass murderers? Certainly, if you believe the catholic church. But you don't believe that way do you Vince, since you believe that it only matters at conception and later right?
Vince said:Natoma said:No, I want you to point out where you think I've been inconsistent, because Joe certainly hasn't.
Again... it's inconsistency which stems from your inability to parallel the current pseudo-science debate about the fetus's rights inherient in humans and the former arguments, which you pretend you care about, concerning the African-American's supposed genetic inferiority which led to their "owning" and domination by the White American.
You have it completely reversed. Slavery began because it was profitable. It always begins that way. Genetic inferiority?
The very argument of genetic inferiority in the early 20th century even came out of the fact that in the slums, blacks were in squalor and seemed unable to lift themselves out of their condition, even with the "schools" they were able to attend. Right circular logic there no?
Vince said:It's a corollary that you have yet to learn and are inable to see the same negative manifestations occuring during yuor own time and take action against which you accuse the 'White' Americans of. You also admit to this when you stated:
Natoma said:It feels about as good as being an american who wears clothes made by 10 year olds working 20 hours a day making less than a penny a day. We can take this as far as you want to go.
Thus, either conform to your own statements or admit that your a selfish asshole who doesn't care except when it benefits you:
Natoma previously said:God forbid fighting for our rights be allowed. Nope, can't have that. You'd think this country would have learned this lesson from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Guess not.
Yep, some people just don't learn.
And of course that was a sarcastic remark based on your attempts to compare 19th century slavery (or any slavery for that matter) to marital rights for gays and lesbians.