The "Liberal" media...

Humus said:
Legion said:
Here is a contribution to this thread

"Here in France I feel at home." - Madonna

I guess it it doesn't take a whole lot of "leftism" and "anti-americanism" to end up at that site. :oops:

I believe the site holds forum voting on wether or not to include quotes in the lists.

If it is acceptable to antiamerican and left of center it should be equally acceptable to be proamerican (against anti-americans) and antileftist.

It seems to me to be as harmless to ridicule madonna as it was madonna to make the statement....
The fun thing about labeling the media a certain way is then you can ignore facts that you don't agree with. Afterall the context of a fact is often more important than the fact itself so lets all just pretend "nothing is real" and smile and believe what we want. ;)
Sxotty said:
The fun thing about labeling the media a certain way is then you can ignore facts that you don't agree with. Afterall the context of a fact is often more important than the fact itself so lets all just pretend "nothing is real" and smile and believe what we want. ;)

becareful where ye wield thy double edged sword.
He only fell from grace in the eyes of the population when he went completely paranoid about communism.

You do realize his paranoia was completely justified. There WERE soviet agents embedded in our government. The democrats and the media were sympathizers to the Soviets, 'Uncle Joe', and anyone connected with them. The de-classification of Venona in 1995 showed to what lengths our good ol Uncle Joe had succeded in penetrating our government.

When you think of McCarthy.. you automatically think 'bad'. But why is this? For years I thought the same as I heard the slanderous term McCarthyism tossed around liberally. But when I actually did some research on the man, there is nothing I see beyond unadulterated patriotism. He was sympathetic to the rights of individuals to be communist. He just didnt want them working in the government. He didn't want thier lives torn apart by a frenzyous media. But democrats forced him in every case to make things as miserable as possible.

The more facts you dig up on the subject.. the more you realize that McCarthy didn't do anything wrong. He wasnt in the House nor a part of the Hollywood bonanza. Hiss was already accused by a fellow agent of being a soviet spy (the media defended this guy tooth and nail), and has lately been proven beyond the already damning evidence in Venona. If you can actually get a liberal to point out wrong doings (its normally just accepted that McCarthy was evil), you can easily how ludicrous thier claims actually are.

Hundreds of agents and friends of agents were embedded in Roosevelt's (suprise suprise suprise) administration and in the army. Rossevelt is quoted as telling a man to fuck off when told about Hiss. Truman also could have cared less.

Liberals during this era were VERY sympathetic to the Soviets and thier cause. They praised the murderous rule of Stalin. They defended agents that were stabbing our nation in the back. Stalin had paid agents embedded in such bastions of truth as the New York Times (IF Stone). Even after the Rosenburgs were exposed for giving nuclear weapon technology to the Soviets the media STILL DEFENDED them. And most importantly.. the media never forgave conservatives for showing that Democratic presidents were incompetent.. that they were being advised on such important issues as China's struggle by Stalin's spies.

This history is not irrelevant 'bait', nor trolling. But necessary background when analizing the press from this time forward. The truth does not concern them. They press thier agenda tooth and nail. Once an issue is tired it is concieved as a conceded point.. they move on to the next action item and build upon previous 'victories'. They are relentless. Being in the positions that they are.. when they shout foul, it is recorded in print.. and distributed to millions. History is written. Ignorance abounds.. and one of our nations greatest men was destroyed.

McCarthy was not wrong. Our government was infested with Stalin's spies.
OK, Legion. I'll admit it. You got the better of me. You've managed to spew enough horseshit from your mouth that I feel compelled to respond, despite the obvious conclusion this will come to.

Legion said:
THe antiwar movement uses bogus argumentation against the removal or a tyrannical dictator. ..... Any one who thinks the country was better off under his control hasn't an opinion worth listening to.

If you are not prepared to engage in civil debate and are instead going to choose to vomit up this vitriolic garbage, you do not belong on this forum, or any other on B3D, for that matter. If you want to argue what I posted, that's fine. But back it up.

They center on only one reason for his removal despite his refusal to cooperate with US/UN officials.

And what was that? That the weapons he supposedly had, if in fact he did have them, were not anywhere near significant enough to pose a threat to the United States? That a war in Iraq would cause a civillian catastrophe? That U.S. soldiers would be subjected to either a long and incredibly bloody battle for control of Baghdad or would end up embroiled in a long-term civil war, in which they would be pitted against the vast majority of Iraqis that didn't want them there? That this was was about control of Iraq's resources, ie imperialism, and had nothing to do with American or Iraqi security? [note: you do not need foreign ownership of the oil industry to control it. Especially when you control the banks and appoint the political leaders]. That this would help terrorists in the long run by boosting their ranks? Tell me Legion, which one of these, (and there are dozens more), is the single, lone reason why we argued against going to war?

It is laughable that so many of the people who are against this attack supported Clinton's attack on Afghanistan and allegations against Iraq in the past. These are the same people who exploited the iraqi populace through the Oil for food act not to long ago.

That's bullshit and you know it. Many of the anti-war movements now in existance started up as protests against the sanctions and Clinton's war in the Balkans. In my town there have been weekly protests going on against the sanctions and then the war since at least 1998. The Bush administration's brazen stupidity has just given fuel to the fire. You're using that as a broad, dissmissive sweep of the hand and, (once again), failing to actually address anything I've said.

As i see it, there is mounting evidence for complete political corruption involved in the support of Iraq as a nation.

Could you be a little more clear on this? This doesn't seem to make any sense at all.

There is no valid reason to keep this man in power. He is a mass murder, he created biological weapons and used them on innocent civilians, claims to be secular but uses religious terrorist groups as support while training them in the past.

Once again you're equating a movement AGAINST A WAR with TRYING TO KEEP SADDAM HUSSEIN IN POWER, as if inclusion in one automatically means inclusion in the other. You conveniently forget that Hussein did most of his dirty deeds when Rumsfeld wasn't denouncing him but shaking his hand. Who gave him the technical know-how to make those weapons? [not that I expect a civil answer from you]

More people have died under Saddam then all of those whom have died in this war. If the UN was allowed to continue its bs operations in Iraq more people would have died from avoidable starvation. THis man has put forth more than 2.5 billion dollars US to building palaces from 1994 to 1998. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of money he has burned on those french rolland missles and jet engines and russian tanks and firearms instead of feeding his populace for which the UN resolution was declared. This of course is aside from the fact that Russia and France had no damn business selling Iraq those weapons in the first place during the years of Oil for Food Act.

Read Cool War by Joy Gordon. There are more reasons than just "Saddam" why over a million people died in the sanctions, and most of them have Red, White, and Blue all over them, (and I don't mean France).

What you have been bringing up is garbage. The liberal crapola you post never provides adequate sollutions to the problems. Much like the do-nothing era of the Oil for Food act Iraq suffered unders its dictator. So many comparison can be drawn between this dictator and others. His behavior is predictable. He never had an interest in providing for his people. He the cause of their starvation and suffering. Throughin money at a problem, the liberal sollution, without a doubt only made the problem worse.

Since you basically just repeated what you said earlier, I will refer you once again to Cool War by Joy Gordon. And since you added once again that you don't intend to engage in intelligent debate but simply left-bashing, I once again suggest that you take your trolling elsewhere.

Why does the left venture so strongly the ad popullum fallacy? Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself? The size of the German army and the ranks of the axis forces did nothing to provide reason to their unjustifiable murder of millions of people in europe and asia. The number of supporters of a cause does not dictate the accuracy or authenticity of their claims.

It's funny that you liken me to a Nazi, when in reality you're just about the closest thing to a fascist on this board. That said, the article at the beginning of this thread is not about accuracy of claims, but about inclusion in the debate. If you, and for that matter, the RIGHT-wing media, were so confident in their claims, they wouldn't hesitate to give equal time to serious debate of the left. Because they'd be sure their ideas would triumph. Instead, it seems as if there was a huge attempt to AVOID ideological debate with the left, and to parrot as many governmental sources as possible. You're failure to actually address anything I've address except with the "Well that's just liberal crapola" argument lends credence to that observation.

The left is never about sollutions. They and their media are about ridicule.

WHen will i ever hear a practicle sollution to the Iraq problem? Leftist would have been more than happy to have left those people to suffer under Saddam. Not one of them cares. Look to NK and see yet another example of complete apathy for the suffering. Where was Clinton to help them rid themselve of Kim? Where was the UN? All they did was sit buy and hand him donations to further develope his nuclear arsenal and weapons technology provide to him by the Chinese. This is the leftist sollution?

Clinton is not a leftist and he never has been. So for once, spare me the bullshit.

This behavior is so historic. Look to germany during ww2. The european nations had a wantingness to appease Hitler to avoid war when war was his intention. THey sold out Poland among other nations inorder to avoid taking responsibility.

Completely fucking irrelavent to the discussion at hand.

If anything history has taught us dictators are not easy to deal with. Giving them what they want is not in the best interest of anyone. Doing nothing is the best way to support.

Seriously, when was it ever suggested that we "do nothing"?

Where were you leftists back in the days of Clinton? He used both the afganistan and kosovo incidents as political escapes from his justice. His entire motives were skewed by his soul desire of saving his political legacy.

Christ, you repeat yourself alot. Read my earlier post on the same damn subject.

I believe the press to be mainly leftist. Its easy to see this. Hense the reason we here stories about how large the "peace movement" is but never see any evidence.
No, there's only millions of people who marched against the war all around the world, in demonstrations larger than anything since the height of the Vietnam war, (In fact probably larger in many cases given the number of them in such a short time-frame). Naw, that's not evidence. :rolleyes: Rather, because you and Rush and Savage say the press is leftist it must be, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Rush and Savage aren't viewed as extremist by the left? This is a first.

You've once again missed, (avoided), the point. I DO see them as extreme, but for the most part they are pretty in-line with the rest your ilk.

Really? SO the number of listenes automatically share their opinions? You don't think they have any liberal listeners? What on earth is your point.

ARe you trying to say this is insupport of conservatives for osama's crimes?

My God, don't tell me you blame this on bush. Where on earth do you think all this damages comes from? The lack of border support, laws, etc were politically enabled under the clinton admin. Bush at this time may have been in office a year. Are you claiming that within 1 year all these damages to US national sovereignty and border protection were caused by him? Senators from texas have been trying to get the dems to support tightenging borders to keep illegals out for years. Yet it was not in the political interest of the dems in government to help out.

Are you trying to be intentionally dense? I said these in response to your assertion that " if anything he takes extremist rights wing individuals comments as some how representative the opposing position". I then went and looked through that garbage you posted to see "how representative" they were of the "opposing position". They seemed to fit like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

What was the context in which this statement was made? Do you believe me to be anything by sardonic in this statement? Are you deliberately trying to assinate my character because you can't find any other way to refute what i have been saying?

It was made in the context of a discussion on Canadian nationalism, and given the other slighted comments you directed at the proponents of it, this seemed like at best a cut that was veiled as a "joke". If your intentions were otherwise I apologize. However it doesn't change the overall point to which I was driving, namely, (to remind you once again, because you seem to like to forget these when you make your own posts), that the statements in the above articles were in fact "representative" of the "opposing position".

I won't change my opinion on this at all. It is easy to see the lack of real effort to protect nations from dictators and the like whom would want to erase their sovereignt. NK, Iraq, China and so forth have been allowed to exist and or contribute to the UN though they exist as criminal nations who violate their people's natural rights. Many nations of the UN (including china) share in this behavior. How can you object when nations like Lybia are appointed as human rights console? Jesus.

Once again, (I know this is starting to sound cliche, [yes, that's right, I used a dirty French word]), you missed the point.

If it were sarcastic why are you using it against me?

Because it is emblematic of the level of discourse employed by many of the right-wingers on this board and in our society at large.

all though you admit many of my statements were sarcastic and that i myself do not represent conversatives at all. I am openly sexually liberal and a bisexual. Typical of conservatives i suppose.

Being bisexual has nothing to do with right-wing, (and I use and have used the term right-wing, not conservative, here. There is a difference), foreign policy stances. Your statement was meant as a mocking attack on the left, and that is why I posted it. It was not sarcastic in the sense that you did not intend the disdainful tone in which it was printed.

THe problem isn't the text but rather the pure misrepresentation of opposing arguments and the lack of a leftist sollution to the problem. This comes and nothing more than ridicule lacking in substance and an alternative.

And as the original post of this message was intended to convey, the problem was not that there is a "lack of a leftist sollution" but rather that we are not given significant airtime to voice our solutions or our problems with the current "solution", and that there is no such thing as the "liberal media" you rail against.

Did anyone ever state that they were a main contributer to al queda?

Is that even relevant? It is well known he has had ties to other terrorist religious groups.

You implied it when you said "Bin laden has supported other seculiar arab groups in the past. So yes the argument does hold water". And you know that the ties were mostly superficial or cursory, (such as providing money to the families of Palestinians killed during the occupation, (which included those of suicide bombers), with the exception of an Iranian opposition group which was based in Iraq. The reason I pointed out Saudi Arabia was that if it is "Terrorism" and "Dictators" and "Threats To America's Security" that you are truly worried about, than they would seem to be much more logical targets, given their more active involvement in terrorist groups and the fact that they are "fundamentalist dictators" in precisely the sense that you originally indicated. Instead, good 'ol Bush and Rummy are propping the Saudis up. It was meant as a questioning of the intentions of the Bush Administration, but you once again seem to have gotten lost.

I will close this by also requesting that this thread be locked. Legion in particular, (and I don't mean to single anyone out here, there are plenty of others), has made it painfully obvious that she doesn't intend to participate in any sort of civil discussion of the topics at hand, or any of the subthreads this has wandered off into, for that matter. In light of the impossibility of having a well-reasoned discussion with the posters of the "opposing position", I see little reason to continue this conversation.[/url]
To ignore the issue of communism is to ignore liberalism. But with communism all but quashed by Regan, the only hope liberals have against America is Islam. Here is an excellent history on the cold war, and why commun, er liberals hate conservatives (ie. conservatives keep beating up thier friends.)

Under President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921), the October Revolution brought the communists to power in Russia. The Soviet Union quickly seized Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia and starved about five million people to death.

Under President Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929), the Soviets added Mongolia, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kirgizia to their empire.

Under President Herbert Hoover (1929-1933), the Soviets captured no new countries, but did starve another five to fifteen million people within the Soviet Republic (leading Lady Astor to ask Stalin in 1931, "When are you going to stop killing people?").

In his first diplomatic act of office, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945) officially recognized the Soviet Union. He chummed around with Joseph Stalin, one of history's greatest mass murderers, calling him "Uncle Joe." With Stalin's agent Alger Hiss at his side, Roosevelt sold out Eastern Europe at Yalta and promised Stalin three votes in the U.N. General Assembly, plus the right to name the No. 2 U.N. official. On Roosevelt's watch, the Soviets took eastern Poland, Moldavia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Albania. "Uncle Joe" murdered an estimated twelve to twenty million people, and forced at least ten million into slave labor.

Under President Truman (1945-1953), we lost China, the most populous nation on earth. The Red Chinese occupied Tibet. Over the next four decades Chinese Communists would murder between 34 million and 64 million Chinese and an estimated 1 million Tibetans. Also as part of Truman's tireless battle against Communism, he was in office for two years before he put into place a strategy of even partial resistance to the Soviets. On his watch, the Soviets consolidated their control over Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, eastern Germany to the Elbe River, Yugoslavia, and North Korea to the 38th parallel. He started the Korean War when the Soviet-backed North Koreans attacked South Korea. Ho Chi Minh announced Communism in Vietnam. Stalin had nearly 100 million people under his rule.

Under President Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961), the Korean War was concluded with a truce, winning no territory back, but holding the Communist North Koreans at the 38th parallel. Cuba fell to Communism under Fidel Castro, establishing the first Soviet-backed Communist regime in the Western Hemisphere. The Communist Vietcong instigated a violent insurrection to conquer the South Vietnam. John Foster Dulles's 'rollback policy,' aimed--in theory--at rolling back Soviet power in Eastern Europe, was quickly abandoned as the hot air that it always was after the Red Army crushed a popular uprising in Hungary in 1956 and the U.S. refused to intervene. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, exploded thier first thermonuclear weapon, and successfully tested the first intercontinental ballistic missile (almost a year ahead of the United States). In 1956, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev warned visiting ambassadors from the West, "We will bury you!"

Under President John F Kennedy (1961-1963), in just two short years, the U.S was humiliated in the Bay of Pigs incident, lost a stand-off with the Soviet Union resulting in U.S. missles being pulled out of Turkey, and began the Vietnam War to ill effect. The Soviet Union detonated a fifty-eight-megaton thermonuclear device--the largest man made explosion in history. The USSR also beat the United States in space, sending the first man into orbit. East Germany erected the Berlin Wall.

Under Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969), Communist regimes were established in South Yemen and Congo-Brazzaville. Chinea exploded its first hydrogen bomb.

Under President Richard Nixon (1969-1974), a Marxist regime was established in Benin. Providing the first serious resistance any American president had put up to Communist advances, South Vietnam was saved from Communism for another few years--until Watergate allowed Democrats to abandon Vietnam.

Under President Gerald Ford (1974-1977), the Imperial Congress empowered by Watergate turned its back on our allies in Southeast Asia. South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos fell to Communism. Communist regimes were also established in Guinea-Bissau, Ethiopia, Angola, and Mozambique. Over the next decade, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese "boat-people" risked death at sea to flee Communism. In Cambodia, Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot murdered between one million and four million out of a population of seven million.

Under President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981), there wasn't much territory left for the Soviets to conquer, but Carter did what he could to help. Soviet-backed Marxists came to power in Nicaragua, the Seychelles, and Grenada. The Soviet army invaded Afghanistan. Carter lifted the ban on travel to Cuba and North Korea. With his impeccable sense of timing, Carter gave a speach on May 22, 1977, exhorting Americans to abandon their "inordinate fear of Communism." Days later Cuba dispatched a military force to Ethiopia.

Under Ronald Regan (1981-1989), for the first time since the Russion Revolution, Communist countries began to become free. not one country fell to Communism on Reagan's watch. Three Soviet-backed regimes began to crumble, one was taken back outright, and by the end of Regan's presidency, the USSR was negotiating the terms of its surrender. In 1980, months before Regan would be elected president, Harvard Sovietologist Adam Ulam ruefully remarked that the Soviet's expanding empire could not be stopped unless faced with "a power strong and determined enough to make Soviet foreign adventurism too risky and expensive." Under Ronald Regan, America was that power. He came to the presidency audaciously announcing that the Soviet Union was an evil empire "whose last pages even now are being written." By the end of Reagan's second term, the last page had been written.


Reagan was the first authentic conservative in the White House in more than fifty years. That's all it took.
-ann coulter

Liberals have always sympathized with the United State's enemies. In fact, one could go so far as to say they championed thier cause.. they HELPED them accomplish it. Either intentionally, ignorantly or just plain out of contempt for the great nation in which they live, liberals have consistently shown they are enemies of the state.
If she ran for president, I'd vote for her in a second. :)

But don't take Ann's word for it. The truth is out there. You just have to dig through mindless rhetoric to get to it.
kyleb, come on it isnt that bad ... having a gay acoholic rolemodel is a little openminded at least.

The media might have taken down McCarthy, but all they needed to do was put him on tv and stand back. Liberals alone wouldnt have gotten him censured either ...
Just to interject briefly into this discussion:

Legion said:
The european nations had a wantingness to appease Hitler to avoid war when war was his intention. THey sold out Poland among other nations inorder to avoid taking responsibility.

Actually, the reason Britain (and, I believe, France) declared war on Germany was because Poland was invaded. You might argue that the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia was 'sold out', but certainly not Poland!
Hearing liberals condemn a man for being a gay alcoholic is amusing. Im not sure of McCarthy's sexual orientation (not that it matters though, right?.. right?).. but he did drink himself to death. IMO a consequence of having to deal with more than any man should.

Aside from your typical liberal mud slinging though.. do you have anything to say?
Mud slinging typically liberal? :) It is typically human ... we are talking about the person who all due to his own doing came to be perceived as mudslinging personified.
What is interesting though, is that today if you were to go around asking University students if they liked communism or even if they were communist you would have an alarmingly high number of affirmative responses. If McCarthy were alive today you would not call him crazy. In fact there is legitimate left wing (welfare states) all over Europe these days and the pushers of these states are more often then not socialist / Communist over zealous egalitarian totalitarians, many of such personalities teach Americas children. It seems that the West has really let down its guard with regards to collectivist mentalities ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union and its socialist satellite states.

It would be considerably easier today to make the same sorts of claims that McCarthy did 50 odd years ago. Collectivism is back on the rise and it is our once upon a time allies in Europe as well as left wing academics here that are pushing the Socialist welfare state model more then ever. The welfare state is socialism in sheep's clothing.
Clashman said:
OK, Legion. I'll admit it. You got the better of me. You've managed to spew enough horseshit from your mouth that I feel compelled to respond, despite the obvious conclusion this will come to.

:rolleyes: I am sure you are seething with the desire to share your propaganda with us Clashman.

If you are not prepared to engage in civil debate and are instead going to choose to vomit up this vitriolic garbage, you do not belong on this forum, or any other on B3D, for that matter. If you want to argue what I posted, that's fine. But back it up.

Unlike what you have done post after post after post clashman? I do back it up through the article.

And what was that? That the weapons he supposedly had, if in fact he did have them, were not anywhere near significant enough to pose a threat to the United States?

More liberal rhetoric.

How much anthrax to you is a threat? How much VX nerve gas is a threat? Please describe to me in ton the magnitude of chemical and biological weapons that should be considered a threat. He has shown the capacity to use these weapons, hence the reason we were forcing him to get rid of them. He not only could be a threat to us but to our allies. This is more than a reason to do something about saddam. Unless of course you'd like to see more kurds die. But hell they aren't americans so why should the US care :rolleyes: ?

That a war in Iraq would cause a civillian catastrophe? That U.S. soldiers would be subjected to either a long and incredibly bloody battle for control of Baghdad or would end up embroiled in a long-term civil war, in which they would be pitted against the vast majority of Iraqis that didn't want them there? That this was was about

Do you view the US as being draw into an iraqi civil war? You are quite the alarmist. This is not a solid reasoning for leaving a dangerous man as this in power. Would doing nothing cause Saddam to become less dangerous? Would doing nothing some how make him less future threat?

and had nothing to do with American or Iraqi security? [note: you do not need foreign ownership of the oil industry to control it.

Is there something wrong with establishing stable business control over the oil for now with future plans, as they suggested, to return the oil to control of the populace? I think they have made a safe decision to out source the oil control for now.

Especially when you control the banks and appoint the political leaders].

That is if the leaders can be trusted. An developed infrastructure needs to be created first and left in opperation for some time before i would trust just turning the oil back over to Iraqi oil constituents.

From your words i am suspicious that you are, for some reason, accusing these invididuals of taking iraqi oil under the guise they will return it.

That this would help terrorists in the long run by boosting their ranks? Tell me Legion, which one of these, (and there are dozens more), is the single, lone reason why we argued against going to war?

That what would help terrorists? Giving the oil right back to the populace and doing nothing to establish and infrastructure? Hell yes it would. The terrorist would jump at the chance to get control over that oil.

That's bullshit and you know it.

No, actually its not bullshit clashman.

Many of the anti-war movements now in existance started up as protests against the sanctions and Clinton's war in the Balkans.

So you are saying that do to some entities not existing then the overall out cry was not the same or completely nonexistant? Sounds like rather fallacious reasoning clashman.

In my town there have been weekly protests going on against the sanctions and then the war since at least 1998.

Thats nice, your point? I said "so many" not "all".

The Bush administration's brazen stupidity has just given fuel to the fire.

Is this more of that vitriolic garbage you were refering to before Clashman?

You're using that as a broad, dissmissive sweep of the hand and, (once again), failing to actually address anything I've said.

Must some one continue to address your inane bable Clashman? By now i think if i had not responded your post more than likely would have been ignored. Many of these issues you have discussed are seem or at least seem similiar to numerous conversations i have seen on this board and elsewhere. I have stated this thread appears to be nothing more than flamebait and would expect most to completely ignore it.

Could you be a little more clear on this? This doesn't seem to make any sense at all.

Really? I thought it was rather clear. I explained that exploitation of countries including iraq of the people in iraq during the years of Oil for food was rather profound. No one seemed willing to cease transactions even with the prior knowledge Saddam was using the money to fill his personal coffers. That much is obvious. Perhaps you should have listened a bit more to those protestors where you live instead of just passing them by?

Once again you're equating a movement AGAINST A WAR with TRYING TO KEEP SADDAM HUSSEIN IN POWER,

Lol i am doing this because that infact IS the outcome Clashman! The protesting type are a crowd of do nothing leftist without a single plan as how to address the issue.

as if inclusion in one automatically means inclusion in the other.

Do to the fact they have no adequate solution they themselves will become enablers of the problem. Much like those who supported the Oil for food actin the first place.

You conveniently forget that Hussein did most of his dirty deeds when Rumsfeld wasn't denouncing him but shaking his hand. Who gave him the technical know-how to make those weapons? [not that I expect a civil answer from you]

Lol are you still going on with that bs about us giving them the ability to make VX nerve gas? BTW you don't create anthrax from Dupont chemicals :LOL:.

Prove to me that we gave him the know how to make all the chemical weapons he has and likewise supplied him with all the agents. On top of that give me dates and times as well as explanations as to why the chemicals were provided. Don't hand me the leftist bs stating the US sold Iraq pesticides they turned into mustard gas. You can make mustard gas from mixing bleach and chlorine - rather typical cleaning chemicals. You can make Ricin gas from fxcking kidney beans.

How about we discuss who gave them scud guidance technology to start with. THen discuss who gave them rocket technologies and jet engines for their planes. Then we can move on to fire arms and tanks. After that we can discuss continuing violations during the oil for food act which involved further sales of ak47s and russian tanks to Iraq and french rolland missles. Does that sound fair enough to you?

Read Cool War by Joy Gordon. There are more reasons than just "Saddam" why over a million people died in the sanctions, and most of them have Red, White, and Blue all over them, (and I don't mean France).

seems that it has bill clinton all over it. WHy do so many leftist of america blame america for leftist's decisions? Why can't we blame the administration of 1996 for the problems in iraq and not the whole Red, WHite and Blue? Just curious.

Actually i think its rather clear that even after reading the article the core of the problem was saddam. The US alone didn't have the responsibility to clean up the iraqi problem. All of the health problems we see in Iraq are directly related to the poor spending choices Saddam has made. The author of this peace practically skirts the funding Saddam received entirely. The author clearly refuses to igknowledge suffering would not have occurd if not for saddam's actions. Saddam clearly withheld great portions of that money he received for himself which could have gone to aiding the populace. This of course did not happen. Saddam should not have been allowed to remain in power in the first place.

Since you basically just repeated what you said earlier, I will refer you once again to Cool War by Joy Gordon. And since you added once again that you don't intend to engage in intelligent debate but simply left-bashing, I once again suggest that you take your trolling elsewhere.

Why? Is my trolling interfering with yours? I am so sorry. Perhaps we should all give you space. Infact why should give every thread you write specifically to you. :rolleyes:

And i will refer you to the above

Your author wishes to displace blame on the rest of the world while not on the cause of the problem itself; Saddam.

It's funny that you liken me to a Nazi, when in reality you're just about the closest thing to a fascist on this board.

all because i disagree with you correct? I do not liken them to nazis. I merely suggest they are apathetic. WHich they are.

That said, the article at the beginning of this thread is not about accuracy of claims, but about inclusion in the debate. If you, and for that matter, the RIGHT-wing media, were so confident in their claims, they wouldn't hesitate to give equal time to serious debate of the left.

You know, you aren't the first person to suggest to me that a perceived silence is really silent condolence. Many of the people from this board alone have debated with you. I am sure that even you yourself can admit you haven't won all your debates. You might even venture to say, if you are confident enough, that much of what you have debated has come to bit of stale mate.

Because they'd be sure their ideas would triumph.

So basically you are saying that do to the fact that conservatives in the media aren't debating with every leftist anywhere they are some how admitting fault? This is logically fallacious. I have found forums an excellent place to debate such issues. As you can see these are not place short of argumentation on any side. Since you have challenged me though i will give you a special task. If you will debate with myself and others on a forum called strategy page ( i am more than sure you will have all the responses you are looking for.

Instead, it seems as if there was a huge attempt to AVOID ideological debate with the left,

Then you indeed suffer from acute myopia.

and to parrot as many governmental sources as possible. You're failure to actually address anything I've address except with the "Well that's just liberal crapola" argument lends credence to that observation.

Does it really? Or does it lend credence to the suggestion that i made that much of what you have written has already been addressed. That you post this crap over and over again simply to gratify yourself knowing eventually people will grow tired of responding to you?

I find it humorous you yourself have yet to provide any adequate solution to the problem. It seems that the left itself wishes only to debate methods rather than actually debating a sollution.

Clinton is not a leftist and he never has been. So for once, spare me the bullshit.

Then exactly what was he? A conservative? :rolleyes:

Completely fucking irrelavent to the discussion at hand.

because you say so of course.

Seriously, when was it ever suggested that we "do nothing"?

By the mere fact that you do nothing.

Christ, you repeat yourself alot. Read my earlier post on the same damn subject.

I wouldn't have to if you didn't.

No, there's only millions of people who marched against the war all around the world, in demonstrations larger than anything since the height of the Vietnam war, (In fact probably larger in many cases given the number of them in such a short time-frame).

And yet there are millions more who didn't. Ad popullum fallacy.

This is not evidence of over whelming support.

Naw, that's not evidence. :rolleyes: Rather, because you and Rush and Savage say the press is leftist it must be, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

:rolleyes: yep and such solid evidence you have presented.

You've once again missed, (avoided), the point. I DO see them as extreme, but for the most part they are pretty in-line with the rest your ilk.

:rolleyes: really? Prove this statement.

Are you trying to be intentionally dense?

Are you trying to come up with a logical respones but can't?

I said these in response to your assertion that " if anything he takes extremist rights wing individuals comments as some how representative the opposing position". I then went and looked through that garbage you posted to see "how representative" they were of the "opposing position". They seemed to fit like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

In other words you rather obtusely came to a conclusion prior to your "research" then later concluded your prior conclusion to be correct. It is blatantly idiotic of you to claim Rush and Savage are some how representative of all the opposing arguments as a whole. Furthermore you have not addressed their argumentation nor provided any sollutions to the problem yourself. You are no different from the rest of your ilk.

It was made in the context of a discussion on Canadian nationalism, and given the other slighted comments you directed at the proponents of it, this seemed like at best a cut that was veiled as a "joke".

No, that is how you viewed it. As i remember it was nothing more than ribbing. You merely searched for anything you could possibly hold against me. Really a rather cheap attack against my character. Perhaps next time you should imploy that inventive imagination of yours to something a bit more practical rather than depending on it for more of your spurious accusations.

Since you have made the allegation i would like for you to prove i am some how anticanadian. You seem to believe i am some how revolted by canadian nationalism. Now back it up. Please do not repeat this comment as a form of circuituous reasoning to back your claim.

Perhaps i should use your comments from this thread to demonstrate how your ilk is openly antiamerican. What would that prove exactly?

As you have suggested above your real interest in this media discussion is to find ways of merely lumping people into categories you can simply right off. In essence engaging in the same behavior you claim my ilk are doing.

If your intentions were otherwise I apologize.

I think you have me wrong. We have not spoken before. I am one subject to sardonic humor. I think you could have come to that conclusion if you hadn't filtered your research to anything other than something you could misconstrue as hate speach.

However it doesn't change the overall point to which I was driving, namely, (to remind you once again, because you seem to like to forget these when you make your own posts), that the statements in the above articles were in fact "representative" of the "opposing position".

Are you claiming that as a whole they represent such? that is nonesense. I wouldn't turn to Rush or Savage for a proper view of the opposing position. You have admitted they are extremists. That is rather diseginuous clashman.

If you are up for the challenge the invitation to is still open. I am more than sure you will find what you are looking for there.

Once again, (I know this is starting to sound cliche, [yes, that's right, I used a dirty French word]), you missed the point.

:rolleyes: ...and the point is so mundane and grounded in personal bias.

Because it is emblematic of the level of discourse employed by many of the right-wingers on this board and in our society at large.

Not to different of the stereotypical american bashing left is it?

Is the entire purpoe of this thread to justify in your mind your use of generalizations?

Being bisexual has nothing to do with right-wing,

No you are being willing ignorant. Bisexuality does not fit with the stereotypical mold of a conservative does it? No, not at all. It has much to do with the moral out look of many conservatives. One does not have to look to far to find liberals avoiding civil discourse through accussations of gay or other lifestyle bashing.

(and I use and have used the term right-wing, not conservative, here. There is a difference), foreign policy stances. Your statement was meant as a mocking attack on the left, and that is why I posted it. It was not sarcastic in the sense that you did not intend the disdainful tone in which it was printed.

Are you so sure of this?

Why are you so intent of stereotyping opposition?

And as the original post of this message was intended to convey, the problem was not that there is a "lack of a leftist sollution" but rather that we are not given significant airtime to voice our solutions or our problems with the current "solution", and that there is no such thing as the "liberal media" you rail against.

Lol or perhaps you could look at it as though you aren't getting time because you haven't sollution. Much like how you assumed because liberals aren't conversing with conservatives that conservatives are some how avoiding conversation.

You implied it when you said "Bin laden has supported other seculiar arab groups in the past. So yes the argument does hold water". And you know that the ties were mostly superficial or cursory,

You keep telling me this but past evidence has substantiated Saddam's terrorist involvment.

Wether it be al queda, al aqsa, or Hamas specifically is rather irrelevant.

(such as providing money to the families of Palestinians killed during the occupation, (which included those of suicide bombers), with the exception of an Iranian opposition group which was based in Iraq. The reason I pointed out Saudi Arabia was that if it is "Terrorism" and "Dictators" and "Threats To America's Security" that you are truly worried about, than they would seem to be much more logical targets,

You clearly had no idea of that until after the fact. This is a post hoc fallcy. Iraqi WMDs are still unaccounted for which has no barings on your assertions before the war of whether or not Iraq was a threat or for that matter if the missing WMD still is.

given their more active involvement in terrorist groups and the fact that they are "fundamentalist dictators" in precisely the sense that you originally indicated.

So you are suggesting that do to the line of conflict not being in the line of order concurrent with your post hoc assertions they were some how originally illogical? Does that some how refute the reasoning behind the war in general? If we attacked SA now would be be some how less justified?

Instead, good 'ol Bush and Rummy are propping the Saudis up. It was meant as a questioning of the intentions of the Bush Administration, but you once again seem to have gotten lost.

Much like the question of intentions i have made concerning the clinton admin and the obvious disenguous leftist opposition to the war.

I will close this by also requesting that this thread be locked.

It should have been to begin with. The entire purpose of the thread was flaimbate centered around your wantingness to justify your generalizations about the right.

Legion in particular, (and I don't mean to single anyone out here, there are plenty of others), has made it painfully obvious that she doesn't intend to participate in any sort of civil discussion of the topics at hand, or any of the subthreads this has wandered off into, for that matter.

Only because i have problem with you correct? Perhaps you haven't read my many other threads debating sexuality etc.

You have made it painfully obvious that you are wanting to promot your personal bias at the expense of others while comdeming anyone who disagrees with you.

yes this thread should be shut down.

In light of the impossibility of having a well-reasoned discussion with the posters of the "opposing position", I see little reason to continue this conversation.[/url]

You have not provided any sollutions to the problems. All you wish to do is rant about your supposed accurate information and justify your neocon prejudice.
Sabastian said:
What is interesting though, is that today if you were to go around asking University students if they liked communism or even if they were communist you would have an alarmingly high number of affirmative responses.

Really? Maybe US college students are just politically naive whichever way they swing. I dont see too many communists over here.

Some of us have representative democracies remember ... relative amount of supporters of communisn would translate directly to amount of seats of the communist party. At least in my country communism slowly bled to dead over the years.
MfA said:
Sabastian said:
What is interesting though, is that today if you were to go around asking University students if they liked communism or even if they were communist you would have an alarmingly high number of affirmative responses.

Really? Maybe US college students are just politically naive whichever way they swing. I dont see too many communists over here.

Some of us have representative democracies remember ... relative amount of supporters of communisn would translate directly to amount of seats of the communist party. At least in my country communism slowly bled to dead over the years.

Democracy really does not matter as much in a welfare state that employs 30-40%of the voting public. In effect your state is left wing or … left wing. There is a breakdown of power for the elected representatives. They have to be big spending big taxing if they choose otherwise it is political suicide. In other your supposed "representative democracy" is a farce in comparison with more center oriented governments. The welfare state is too far left and once a state is gone that far left it is difficult to go back to a more balanced political structure.

Are you MFA trying to tell me that all this anti American trash talking is not coming from left wing pacifist? It is no delusion that Europe is becoming more and more Socialistic and their economies are blemished with that reality. Socialist/collectivist sentiment in Europe is on the rise your denying the reality of it only shows that you are blind to it. Like it or not a state that taxes heavily, controls and regulates private ownership of the means of production so that the benefit of ownership is greatly reduced, employs massive portions of the voting public etc is socialist and your democracy is a kin to the Soviet styled elections where you had the choice of voting for socialism, socialism or socialism. The welfare state is no real democracy, those days are gone.

Schools like this are packed full of socialist redistributionist type thinkers. The funny thing is much of what is taught as socialist is the welfare state. The welfare state is socialism and simply because it is not the same socialist state that the USSR turned out to be does not make it any less. (BTW that is a Canadian University guess students and faculty are just as ignorant in Canada as they would be in the US.)
Mariner said:
Legion said:
The european nations had a wantingness to appease Hitler to avoid war when war was his intention. THey sold out Poland among other nations inorder to avoid taking responsibility.

Actually, the reason Britain (and, I believe, France) declared war on Germany was because Poland was invaded. You might argue that the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia was 'sold out', but certainly not Poland!

Poland was most certainly "sold out." Certainly not as blatent as Czechoslovakia, but just what was happening on the "Western Front" at the same time (and for the next year) as Rundstedt and Bock were encircling the Poles with Soviet help? If you read the German accounts, you'll see OKH was scared of the prospects of a two-front war in 1939. Unfortunatly, France just sat there untill Guderian, Hoth and Rommel decided to vacation in Paris.