Predict: The Next Generation Console Tech

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Seems point to a Jaguar for sure if we can believe it.

Also sweetvar on Neogaf claimed that the Durango CPU is a 8 core Jaguar running at 1.6 Ghz.
For the PS3, well there were early PS3 with full PS2 hardware, then PS3 that leaves out the CPU I believe while keeping the GPU+edram, then PS3 with nothing, that runs nothing from the PS2 at all.
Not quite true; there are PS2 titles available on PSN. I presume there's some specifics to each game such as profiling, but Sony have got some sort of PS2 emulator running without eDRAM. Of course, including the retro hardware is always one option for maintaining BC.
Just look at MS's patent and you can get an idea how such a machine would have two different CPU's and even different architecture. And this could be another sub reason, besides the obvious handheld market, that MS chose to develop Win8 for ARM; or their developing Win8 for ARM could be a reason to go with ARM in their next system.

If the link doesn't work or doesn't just go to the USPTO patent application search page and do a quick search with "Microsoft" as the assignee name and "qos" in the other box. Should come up with a list of patents with one of them being SCALABLE MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE WITH QOS GUARANTEES.

It's still an interesting patent and with new rumors about Durango it may be relevant to discussion. I mean we have diagrams in the patent for differing versions of the hardware that scales. Different processors like a primary processor and an app processor as well as the same for the GPU. Also the GPU's clearly have some type of embedded memory in some of the diagrams.
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Or wirebond, what do you need to go off interposer for? Power in, hdmi out, sata in/out. What else?

Actually, if it was just tsv's thru the interposer it would already be a done deal.

The question in my mind is if there's an interim solution that preserves much of the benefit of stacking (for consoles, high bandwidth) while waiting for the process to mature (2015?).
If the logic layer has micro bumps to the interposer, and the (larger) interposer needs pad on the same side, how do you connect the hot layer to the heat spreader?
Is there a packaging that allows the top layer to be soldered to the heat spreader AND have wirebond on the same side?

What I still don't understand is why can't they do the same thing as they did with the Vita's graphics memory? I know it's about the additional heat, but they could put the hot side on the heat spreader, while the other side has the wideIO memory stacks and the pads. Obviously if it was that easy, Nvidia and Ati would have made graphics cards with that technology years ago, so there's something I'm missing :cry:
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Revealed in 2010,released in 2011 i remember

Well it's on 45nm ! Making it on 32 or 28 nm will make the huge size of the chip smaller ;i.e smaller than 430mm^2 . But the rumours of Xbox 720 leaving PowerPC in favour of x86 is present . How does it compare to something like 8 cores of jaguar ?

Also if they really put PowerPC a2 then they neednot require xenon and Xenos for backward compatibility !
MS managed some level of bc with very different architectures last time. I don't think there's reason to expect that maintaining BC through hardware compatibility will be a primary concern for them going forward.
You all seem to be missing the important picture in that Sony patent:


So it doesn't neccessarily have to be a big orb. Something with a more discreet profile could be more appealing to consumers.

I'm not sure switching out the orb for a mushroom head shape will improve the Move's existing reputation as comically phallic.

An orb is still preferable in any case. It's the same size from any angle.
How does it compare to something like 8 cores of jaguar ?

The Bluegene/Q version has a peak floating point throughput of 200 GFLOPS in double precision and draws 55 Watt. However, it probably has the same peak throughput in single precision. I guess if they go with a PowerPC CPU it will be a customized A2 core, probably repalcing BlueGENE/Q FP pipelines with a VMX128 unit or 256-bit wide VMX. The BlueGene/Q chip is large (360 mm2 @ 45nm) but it has 18 cores, 32 MB of shared L2 (more than 50% of the chip area), two 128-bit memory controllers and proprietary network interfaces. If you drop one memory controller (or possibly remove both and add a connection to the GPU chip), drop half the cache and shrink it to 32 nm, it should be viable.
If they use A2,it's not surprised they will cut something useless for games.

This year's VGA will Live Stream on Xbox Live globally(yeah not just US),let's see will MS tease some next-gen thing.(at least next-gen games or next-gen Doritos&Mountain Dew i hope)
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