A 4870 equivalent should be pretty to fit in even with a tight budget, if my memory is right I think I read that it could be ~170mm² @40nm.
But I see no point in using a 9 cores waternoose/xenon, any job that is likely to spread well on such a chip may be handled better by the GPU (say a more flexible 4870 with the thoughput).
Yea but will it take away from what the gpu is doing ? I want a jump up in A.I and I think a 9-12 core cpu with more cache and other enhancements (fix things developers didn't like or what not) The 3 core verison had small amounts of l1 cache and 1mb of l2 cache correct ? Mabye they can do a 9 core set up with double the L1 cache for each core , 6MB of l2 cache and mabye using L3 cache like in the phenoms and put a large 20MB of L2 cache. A 9 core waternoose with these changes should be tiny of 40nm which is the largest micron size i think they'd ship an xbox next on.
Then mabye a custom gpu based on 40nm would also get used.
I really hope to see an increase in physics. I'd love to see proper behavior of bullets in fps games where the ame would know what your taking cover behind and have the bullets act properly. For instance a cheap wood door in a house would get ripped up and some bullets would get through much faster than a metal door. Or bullets would get through a desk faster than a wall. Stuff like that.
Anyway I'm expecting this
$400 launch price
6-9core waternoose + (bigger L1 , L2 and added L3 - OOE capabilitys) I don't see this as a large gpu. If they go 6 core it should only be slightly larger thantwice the size of the waternoose which will be tiny on 40nm and below. Even a 9core would be small on 40nm
300mm2-400mm2 40nm ati gpu dx 11. With that size i'm expecting some of it for edram or a new type of dram on it. I don't know whats a good size but i'm expecting enough for 4x fsaa. I think the b3d article on xenos said 28.1mb is enough for 4x fsaa + 32bit z and fp10 at 720p . So Mabye we will see 30mb though I expect it to use some of the newer fsaa modes. Also I'm not sure if I understand this right but the xenos used no compresion of the frame buffer unlike modern gpus ? If so perhaps they can add that back in to fit a larger buffer into the 30mb of space
4gigs of ram though i'm hoping for 8
250 gig 2.5 inch drive to 500 gig 2.5inch drive depending on cost
32 gigs of flash inside the console for caching.
I also expect a new scaler chip to replace the one in the xbox. Its one of the great things about the system.
I think ms has noticed the trend this gen where pc games are using the current consoles as the base for their games. MS will use the next xbox to drive home the newest dx verison. Be it dx 11 , 11.1 or even 12. This way developers already have a base to move software on and hopefully it will allow for a faster adoption than dx 10 had since it was largely passed over for dx 9 and xbox 360.
I'd also like to add that amd might want to get fully into the next xbox . They might try and push whatever cpu that have avaliable at really good deals for ms. If they do I see a 6 core verison of whatever comes after the phenom 2. Though I think ms should stick with ibm on this