You missed the part about alot of high res textures.
This current gen has alot of repeat textures . I haven't played enough of mgs4(hated it) but from the few hours i spent with uncharted you can see this in the game.
I'd love to see a next gen oblivion that has 8 gigs of textures.... well i guess they'd use a 1 gig of memory for other stuff but still even say 6 gigs of textures would be amazing to me .
2 gigs is only a 4x increase in ram capactiy. The xbox to xbox 360 was over an 8 times jump . The ps2- ps3 was even more. I believe 16 times ( 32 vs 512mbs) I mean we will most likely have 50 gigs of storage space on the disc. Why not use it for more than video . Why only displace 2 gigs of it at once
Talking about texture variation seems to me to be a bigger problem for it's effect on increasing art production costs than it does an issue for the tech..
I wouldn't count on seeing massive increases in texture variation across the board because the cost constraints within the productin budget may restrict it, especially for smaller dev houses..
(Personally if you ask me, I really don't see texture variation as being one of the major distractions in current gen games bar a small few, Halo 3 spring to mind.. Most games have enough geometric detail variation that it hides alot of it from most players.. But I digress..)_