Practical Implementation of SH & HDR on the PS2?

If you wish to obtain a nice effect with Sperical Harmonic, you must have Pixel Color Control(like Pixel Shader) in the last part of the Graphics Pipeline, the main problem is that Ps2 GS is not programmable and so the only thing you can do, is simulate this pushing a lot of small poligons from VU1 to GS.
Yuo can make a demo with Sperical Harmonic Lighting but a game is another thing because you have a lot of objects to render and you don't have the necessary amount of raw power.....imho....
I think we'll see this in the next generation.
PRT via SH, is not hard to imagine running on the PS2, HDR on the other hand...
If they're talking about HDR-like effect, then maybe, since a lot of games already uses tricks to achieve this effect. If they mean real HDR, as achieved in the GF6 tech demos for instance, then...