Cool, article says servers are in southern California, right in my backyard so this should work well for me. It also says running games at 60fps as done on pc to reduce latency can't be done on ps3 but I wonder if that is really true. They could always try faster ps3 hardware and run games at 60fps, but only render every other frame since it's not the visual speed one wants in this case but just the logic and input. That could shave off a bit more latency, and I figure how hard can it be to build a faster cpu side ps3 8 years after the fact.
Since they use cell for compatibility purposes, I doubt that they can really push the architecture faster (clock it higher). Or combine it with an architectural tweak to gain higher IPC? Can the games utilize it?
How about using faster gpu? Can PS3 games take advantage of higher shader count? Can they use faster RAM or better yet, change the memory controller so it can use cheaper/more available DDR3 RAM? Someone definitely need to ask Sony on what hardware tweaks they've done for PS Now.