It also said that it's connected via a switched 1024bit bus. It would be pretty silly to have main memory on such an encredibly fast bus, but make it too small to store everything needed. My guess is that this is more akin to a centralized video memory, or cache area. There is no reason that you couldn't have local cache on a per processor basis, but setup a centralized L2 cache. This would be especially useful if the 64MB cache area is used for information that can be computed in parellel. Say for example, that you have multiple processors computing lighting vectors for doing monte carlo raytracing for global illumination. You can't simply work on a small area of the scene at a given time without knowing what's happeneing in other areas of the scene. In this way, each processor needs to have access to the entire scene's lighting calculations that have been accomplished so far. Thus, each processor could get the relevent information it needs from the central 64MB L2 cache, perform it's computations in the 128KB L1, and send the data back to 64MB L2. You'd need it to be switched to avoid race conditions caused by each processor reading and writing to the memory.
I personally am pretty confident they'll get the ratios of memory to cache correct to a certain extent. As you've already mentioned, having a 64MB segment for main memory would be pretty silly, and Sony's engineers arn't that dumb. I'm more interested in how the heck they plan to have a switched 1024bit memory bus between cells. They certainly must have some talented engineers on staff.
It also said that it's connected via a switched 1024bit bus. It would be pretty silly to have main memory on such an encredibly fast bus, but make it too small to store everything needed. My guess is that this is more akin to a centralized video memory, or cache area. There is no reason that you couldn't have local cache on a per processor basis, but setup a centralized L2 cache. This would be especially useful if the 64MB cache area is used for information that can be computed in parellel. Say for example, that you have multiple processors computing lighting vectors for doing monte carlo raytracing for global illumination. You can't simply work on a small area of the scene at a given time without knowing what's happeneing in other areas of the scene. In this way, each processor needs to have access to the entire scene's lighting calculations that have been accomplished so far. Thus, each processor could get the relevent information it needs from the central 64MB L2 cache, perform it's computations in the 128KB L1, and send the data back to 64MB L2. You'd need it to be switched to avoid race conditions caused by each processor reading and writing to the memory.
I personally am pretty confident they'll get the ratios of memory to cache correct to a certain extent. As you've already mentioned, having a 64MB segment for main memory would be pretty silly, and Sony's engineers arn't that dumb. I'm more interested in how the heck they plan to have a switched 1024bit memory bus between cells. They certainly must have some talented engineers on staff.