Just because SSDs are fast, though, doesn't mean their access time is negligible. You really can't treat it like RAM and just load what you need when you need it, or you will still wind up spending an unacceptable amount of time waiting. What you can do, though, is start streaming a particular piece of content
much closer to the time you need it (even just a couple of frames ahead of time), and discard from memory anything you won't need for the next few frames. Practical implications include:
- Less speculation about what assets you'll need. The chances of guessing right when you have to start loading a second or two ahead of time aren't great, so you can wind up loading things you never use. That means that in practice the 100x increase in bandwidth gets further boosted by being right more often about what you need and wasting less bandwidth.
- Less memory wasted on speculative assets. Another side effect of increasing the certainty that you've loaded just what you need is that it occupies less memory than if you loaded a ton of assets just in case but never wound up using them at all.
- Loading assets on demand. If some rare event occurs you can probably get away with loading audio or visual assets in response to the event, which would be impractical if you have to start loading them much earlier. This could lead to more situation specific commentary lines in sports titles, death animations in a wide range of titles, or far more variations on a musical theme that kick in just when they're appropriate.