Because it says games may not run and devs will have to ensure they do. Makes sense for new games, but that also means existing games may not run. It's telling us PS4 titles aren't 100% 'just run it' BC and when they're not, devs will need to fix issues. That means a portion of the library, anything from 1 title to 100 titles or more, won't be PS4 BC and not every dev will want to or be able to patch their game.I don't see how this says anything about PS5's BC...
If Sony didn't need to ask devs to validate BC on new titles because they just run, we could assume the PS4 build tools just run on PS5, meaning less chance of incompatible older games.
Putting it another way, every PS4 game after July will be BC on PS5. That certification means not every game before July will be BC.