Playstation 3 Pre-order status?



I was wondering if there are any sites that are currently taking PS3 pre-orders (and if not, is it known when they're likely to start?). I did a quick search but, surprisingly, didn't come up with anything.

I've been out of touch with the consnole scene recently, so any info is appreciated, thanks. :D
It completely relies on where you live. Sadly the Ps3 launch isn't going as planned so there will be huge shortages and european launch has been delayed. You can always import one if you are living in europe though, region free gaming for the win!

I don't think I can bold that one enough, big plus to Sony for that one. :D
Ok, I'm officially hopeless since I can't find the "edit" button.

Anyway I should have specified I was talking about the US, although I have a few friends in europe who might want to import, so info about that wouldn't be a waste either. Thanks again .
One shameless bump for help then I'll let this thread fly up to the great big forum abyss in the sky.
They'll begin in October apparently. My friend works at an EB Games so he'll give me the scoop when they open them. Seems like one day everything is going fine, and when they open the store theres a letter saying "PS3 is now in your system, start taking preorders".