KFC is so funking good. Especially their Honey BBQ Chicken Wings. MMMMmm-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmm-GOOD.
I can eat like 30 of those little suckers.
I don't feel sorrow for animals that were created for food. Cows, sheep, chickens. They are all the same. They only know 4 things --- eating, sleeping, mating, and crapping.
These types of animals are not individuals. If you put 50 cows in a field, the only way to tell them apart is by their appearence. You can't tell them apart by personality or characteristics, unless one of them has Mad Cow Disease.
Animals like these only become individuals when humans go out of their way to make them so. Otherwise, they only exist to be eaten by humans. And I will eat them.
Thank you, God.
P.S. I would love for a PETA person to try and interrupt me while I'm eating chicken with insults or badgering, like they usually do to old people and children. They would get their face smashed on concrete, then chicken stuffed in their mouth.
P.S.S. PETA is always trying to promote "Other ways" for humans to get protein. I have a great alternative for them to get all the protein they need. Sperm. That's right, man-juice is chalk full of protein. So, if any PETA person needs a good dose of protein, come on over and let me jack-off into your mouth.