Overlord *now updated to v2


No one's talking about this little gem. The premise is you're an evil overlord with a cast of demon minions, out to regain control of his kingdom after your predecessor was defeated by a group of heroes. It's very much in the Fable style off humour, with your actions having an impact on the way the townsfolk treat youl.

It's good points are it's strategic elements in minion usage - when to use what style of minion, and how to tackle open-ended scenarios. It's not totally linear, so if I'm struggling I can come back to a part a little later a bit more "powered up". Of course, the comedy and attitude of the game is a big winner... I love the "family" of games in the style, like Giants, Fable, etc.

Bad points... backtracking when you mess up and let minions die and there's no spawn point nearby. There's no map in game! Easy for some, but I get lost very easily. The "choices" you get in-game are largely non-issues... for a "bad guy" you seem to do an awful lot of good deeds, with the evil route usually meaning you simply slaughter random villagers.

Overall, a flawed game, but one I'm thoroughly enjoying. Dare I saw, this will be one of my all time favourites along with few others that are memorable for their character above all else.

Aarghh.. too many L's in the title.. mod's please fix? Logitech's Vista drivers are pathetic for my keyboard :(
We had a thread about the demo in the PC subsection. I had fun with that (even got it to run on Win2K) and it is definitely on my 'one to get' list. Read a couple of reviews, and the overall impressions seems to match yours: That it is a somewhat unfulfilled, yet very enjoyable game. I'll get around to picking up a copy eventually.
Game of the year for me, so far. There are a few little niggles (other than, sometimes, you have no clue where you are going, the "wander over a teleport while in a battle and teleporting back to the tower because you're pressing A" bugged me a couple of times).

Shame that, just as I completed it, I figured out that the greens are leapers and will jump on the top of enemies - very usful for Troll like creatures and also the flamethrower dwarfs.

Still, I'll be having two more run throughs for the corruption achievements.

The "choices" you get in-game are largely non-issues... for a "bad guy" you seem to do an awful lot of good deeds, with the evil route usually meaning you simply slaughter random villagers.

Thats not quite the case. There are mutliple points in the game where you get to make choices that will either be good or Evil (like choosing Velvet, because she's sluttier! :devilish: ), some of which you may not realise its going on until its already happened - I accidently fed a bunch of Elves to the slugs without realising it.
No, just 250. (I already have 1000 from the original game, the DLC adds 250 more work of achievements)
A friend bought the PC Version including Raising Hell last year (early December i think). Have fun blowing up Melvin - again and again :D
I had a very tough time KB/mousing this game at one point in the elven forest. I had to use my PC 360 gamepad to get farther... Minion control is very poor.
Have it on xbox360, I have to say its an average game that is fun to play, but it has lots of flaws that take away your motivation to finish it like backtracking and getting lost etc.

But I'd say rent it first and then buy it if you like it, its not all that bad.
Savior of the tower heart. Most wise master. Bullier of Jesters.

The game's pretty awesome so far. I'm having a blast.
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I know, I could stand there all day listening to that guy. He also says different things depending on whether you're a good guy or bad guy.
My brother has been playing Overlord on his PS3 and he really likes it. I'm thinking of gettin' it, but can't find it anywhere. I have an outdated PC. Better to go 360 or still go with PC?
My brother has been playing Overlord on his PS3 and he really likes it. I'm thinking of gettin' it, but can't find it anywhere. I have an outdated PC. Better to go 360 or still go with PC?

Dont know how old your PC is but here is the min specs
CPU CPU 2.3GHz Intel, AMD
Disk 2500
RAM 512 MB

or check out eBay for a 360 copy (Item number: 170249109695) PS3 copy (Item number: 360079166571)
I just recently learnt that this was made in the Netherlands, in Delft. Didn't know that! This and Killzone, it's slowly becoming something over here ... maybe there's a future for me in the games business one day after all. ;)