I kinda hated the Dark Cloud 2 game, still haven't finished it.
The dungeons got boring, and I just couldn't get those Georamas finished.
The constant building and trying to figure out who should live where and what to build was a chore. I just couldn't figure out the damn georamas without resorting to faq's.
I liked the style of the game, and would so much like to finish it some day, but it's just a mixture of confusing and boring gameplay to me.
The boss battles were good, but to wade through too long repetitive dungeons and town building is just too much.
Dragon Quest VIII, I love though.
It starts slow, the battles can be repetitive, but it's just balanced so right it never feels boring.
DQ was an Enix/Level 5 game though, with the gameplay more Enix, and programming more Level 5, am I right?
I don't know if the Rogue Galaxy is closer to DC or DQ, or FF's. From what I read it seems to be closer to Final Fantasies though, which is good.
So, I kinda have a love/hate relationship with Level 5 games. DQ made me love them and wait for what they come up next with anticipation. If it had been just the Dark Cloud games, I probably would not take much notice on Rogue Galaxy.
I'm intrigued about White Knight Story. It'll be interesting to see what they'll be able to do with PS3 and graphics that are more "realistic" in style.