megadrive0088 said:two things, is the middle shot (the PS2 one) from the PS2 Tekken technical demo, or the actual game, i forget.
that shot is from the prerelease promo material (using the finiished engine) and not a gameplay/intro grab.
megadrive0088 said:two things, is the middle shot (the PS2 one) from the PS2 Tekken technical demo, or the actual game, i forget.
Josiah said:OK hang on. HDTV resolution is 1080x720, thats 777600 pixels. At 60fps thats 46.656 million pixels per second. At 5 billion pps you're displaying over 100 polygons per pixel. At 10 billion pps you're displaying over 200 polygons per pixel. Even with the best anti-aliasing that much detail is just not visible.
qwerty2000 said:i think my comparioons are pretty accrate dont you think so
Tsmit42 said:Even at 1920 X 1080 that is still only 2,073,600 pixels(124,416,000/sec @60 fps). That would mean that you could fit over 40 polygons in one pixel @ 5 billion polygons/sec and over 80 @ 10 billion polygon/sec.
I don't know much about how 3d graphics work, but wouldn't anything over 124.4 million polygons/sec be overkill with today's HDTV standard?
PS3:5-10 billion (real Time)?
GC2: 1024MB?
PS3: 40-60 GB/sec?
PS3: 1-5 TFLOPs total (CPU + GPU)
PS3: 128-256 vram external
PS3: 32 MB??
No, just no. I would say around 15B under max conditions like ps2's 66M. We may see 1B in game eventually though.
like i did for my estinomations for the gamecube 2 i am going to do it for the ps3
-polygon count-
PS1: 360,000 thousand only 180,000 with textures, shading, lighting
PS2: 20 million
PS3:5-10 billion (real Time)?
PS1: 2 Mb
PS2: 32 MB
GC2: 1024MB? you/I wish!, more like 256-512MB
-main memory bandwidth-
PS1: 132 mb/sec
PS2: 3.2 gb/sec
PS3: 40-60 GB/sec? more like 25-50 GB/sec for PS3
-Floating Point Performance-
PS1: 30 MIPS (CPU) + 80MIPS GPU)
PS2 :6.6 GFLOPs total Emotion Engine 6.4 GFLOPS
PS3: 1-5 TFLOPs total (CPU + GPU)
PS1: 1 mb vram it's PS1's total vid ram, used for more than textures
PS2: 4 mb vram
PS3: 128-256 vram external PS3 should have 32MB eDRAM for vram
plus 256-512MB main memory not 128-256MB vram
-Sound Memory-
PS1: 512 KB
PS2: 2 mb
PS3: 32 MB?? maybe