RancidLunchmeat I mostly agree with you (there is always a but
MS have not over promised and have done a good job at advertising up coming title: OK.
But we know some title have to come during 2009:
Alan wake
SC 5 (not sure about the number)
Likely a new halo
But at some time without going as far as Sony they need to give to theirs costumers a "horizon".
I would be concerned if in the up coming shows MS doesn't reveal some huge projects.
Just a new Halo wouldn't make it for me (I've no console right now, so my choice is in the air).
Even if they have to really on CGI to tease us.
They need to show something that will make consumers think "OK games will look like taht in the seconf part of the console life, great!" (i don't expect anybody to say that anyaway..
OK UEIII is impressive on the 360 widely available, lots of games will benefits and look good.
But they need excellence (no matter how it compare to whatever Sony offers).
They have some gap to fill:
for example, in fighting genre I expect tekken to stay exclusive to the playstation.
OK, SF IV looks as great as it can, SC is cool too, but Sony is right on something you need exclusive.
So for example if there is a DOA coming I would want to know before the end of the year and it would better be woa looking (who know what namco could came with the next tekken).
If Rare plans a KI, idem for me they had to raise expectations in consumers minds.
Same for Forza III they should show target render(edit I would favor demo on powerfull PC)
They start making they should try harder to secure an exclusive with "ninja" devs.
Shortly it's about balance, but as a future costumers I want to know what is coming, a horizon.
Nobody ask to know the whole line up for the two/three upcoming years.
I would be extremely disapointed if they don't announce something that "looks" BIG (important word I'm more graphic whore (at art money...) than a party gamer if you know what I mean
KzII looks great, I know that GOW III will looks absolutely stunning.
Ms need some ninja, if they don't show me that in this regard they are going in the proper direction they won't count me as a costumer.