This CPU|GPU logic can be on one IC and can scale to many ICs or you can split the CPU and GPU portions to separate ICs and scale that way (i.e PS3). We should see SLI, distributed rendering tech somewhere inherently built into the GPU to complement the ditributed processing of CELL. This would also lead me to beleive that the GPU would be CELL based and run software Cells.
I would think that the GPU would be some sort of unified ALUs but more focused for fragment/pixel processing as CELL is already a vertex powerhouse. And maybe you could load balance software Cells between CPU and GPU. In fact if you think of a current GPU with vertex and fragment processors but sclae it up, it should resemble the entire PS3 CPU(vertex)+GPU(fragment) chipset!

However, these components in the GPU could be mixed Sony-Nvidia IPs, e.g Salc/Salps or pixel engines etc.
Also a good chance to see Gigapixel, TBDR to complement the parallel brick/tile rendering SCE patent!
We should see some Gelato rendering tech from this patent by Larry Gritz somewhere with REYES and raytracing/global illumination enabled shaders. 8)
And maybe finally they may roll out the Voodoo brand name...Voodoo Cells anyone!