Given equal performance the more efficient process will save you money. You could look at some of the bit-coin math that people do for real world scenarios. On this site you should certainly expect all aspects to be covered. If you don't care, I suggest you skip over posts with that content. I don't think its imperative that others know that you don't care.
I never said anything pro or con for power efficiency (which is what you're describing, as efficiency can be measured many ways.) Nevertheless, you can (and obviously, have) made a very plain case as to why power efficiency is something we should care about. Even for those not interested in BitCoins (I am not), you can obviously make the case for thermal output drop meaning less noise, or less power draw while gaming which is great for mobile platforms.
So, again, power efficiency is something that's plainly important for multiple reasons. Physical size of the die? I think even that could be important, when talking about pad space for wiring, or perhaps total surface area for thermal transfer under load. But performance per millimeter? That metric, insofar as I can discern, has no bearing on
anything tangible.
Do you have examples of why performance per millimeters matters? We know it isn't related to cost of the video card, because we have multiple cases in history where large and "inefficient" (in terms of perf/mm) dies sold cheaply. We also have cases to the opposite.
Here's where I am going with this -- the last umpteen pages have like four people talking about how perf/mm affects the video device of their chosen deity. But I see absolutely NOTHING regarding why anyone should care. Hell, even the "perf" part of that perf/mm metric is too abstract to begin with. Perf in what? Double float adds? Integer adds? MUL's? Bogos? Do we go on actual measured output or theoretical maximums? What application would be used to generate the measurement, if we aren't using theoreticals?
Sure, the whole measurement aspect would be a cool discussion -- and has been the source of many pretty awesome brainstorming threads on this forum over the last several years.
What the hell does performance per millimeter give us, in terms of why we should care more or less about Kepler? It doesn't affect price, power consumption, performance, heat, driver flaws, gaming results, or anything else that I can conceive of.