If they can't provide the same API they won't be used, now Oracle v Google established that APIs can't be copyrighted (in the US) for the moment ... but unlike PhysX a lot of this code doesn't seem to have an openly available API.
If the Gameworks license is particularly obnoxious it might even become impossible for them to meaningfully cooperate with developers using it at all.
Since Gameworks is hardly a de facto standard for now, it's not that important to be compatible at API level.
The biggest problem I have with this discussion is that some seems to believe that because someone isn't doing something then no one should be doing it. I mean, if Gameworks is such a good idea that game developers are willing to use it, why don't AMD and Intel do that as well? Shouldn't we encourage them to compete with NVIDIA, instead of trying to suppress NVIDIA for doing it? If it's not a good idea, then no worry then, because eventually no one will use it, no?