DLSS quality in the Matrix Awakens City Sample looked pretty bad and here's the possible cause that I investigated.
1. Coarse jitter sample pattern.
This makes the scene look blurry. But not a major problem I think.
UE5 City Sample:
DLSS SDK Sample (good case)
2. Bad motion vectors. I mean, REALLY BAD especially in thin objects.
Cross-patterned 5 pixels in the air are all birds. You'll be noticed that birds are barely visible although they are flying around the city all time.
The motion vectors of the thin branches are very chunky and dirty. Compare with actual geometry.
This causes the branches to appear disconnected and blink while moving camera.
Also people walking far around have chunky motion vectors too. They always moving with the ghosting if you look closely.
This is what good motion vector should look like:
So, who should address this problem?
Nvm, I've found the option for disable motion vector dilation and tested it. There wasn't meaningful changes in reconstruction quality.