Current DLSS builds run on matrix crunchers, but we don't know if they're optimal hardware for it or even if they actually accelerate it much, it only needs to be faster than running it on CUDA to make sense because the cores are there for professional cards running same GPUs regardless. It could be several times faster, but it could also not be, we don't know, yet you and few others praise them like they're some alien technology dropped from heavens for the peasants for this very specific workload (hint: idea to utilize tensors for DLSS came a lot later than the cores themselves).
We don't know if they would be any faster than regular cores for any other hypothetical future load either. Only thing we can be sure of is that they're dedicated units which can make them more useful, but IIRC they also steal some other resources which can lead to hobbling rest of the GPU in worst case scenario (hypothetical, don't know if there's actual loads like this at this time)