Wouldn't we better off with more advanced VR google tech. Having basically six surface projecting images means that the virtual enviroment would exist outside the dimensions of the room including all interaction. Any virtual avatar of yourself would have to be projected away from you while with VR googles and tech similar to Natal you could project the avatar onto yourself with the possibility of 1:1 movement.
Nevermind the limitation regarding two or more people making use of the room simultaneously. Im sure two googles would be cheaper than retro fitting two rooms with the tech you are describing.
I agree though, stereoscopic VR goggles are the way to go, with eye and head tracking.
Also i think the whole idea of controllerless gaming as something people want is simply not true.
People dont want to be without a controller, they want whatever the contoller is to be intuitive to use. The impressive thing about natal isnt that it is controllerless(in fact the camera coud be classed as a controller anyhow), its te full body mocap and that it allows a 3d model based on your real life actions to be used ingame. If what natals funtionality was implemented with some sort of device that sat in the palm of your hand it wouldnt be any less impressive or desireable.
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