Non-player Criticisms of The Last Guardian *pile*

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Let's keep the party going, shall we?

And yet you introduced the discussion on comparing Trico's AI to a "a realistic wild beast".
We're going in circles. My claim is that Trico's AI is not deterministic, like an animal. Do you dispute it?

If it gets in the way of the majority of player's enjoyment, yes. If lots of players like the design, it isn't. Again, the definition of good game design is making a game that people enjoy playing.

You've said everyone who likes Trico likes bad game design. "If you were smarter and appreciated good game design, you wouldn't like Trico" is the implication. The logical conclusion to your argument, should you be successful, is for everyone who likes Trico to come to realise they were wrong, that Trico was annoying and got in the way of their progress, and to dislike the experience with the simulated animal.

No. It's not as black and white as that. You can come up with an analysis of a game's design that'd find 'bad' game design in a game universally panned. You could also find elements of bad design in a game that's lauded. You can't argue that a feature of game that's liked by a sizeable part of its player base is bad design though.

No, it's "we like it, therefore it can't be wrong as you say."
"If you were smarter and appreciated good game design, you wouldn't like Trico."

You're making some leaps of logic there which leads you to misunderstand and misrepresent my position. Let me make it easy for you:

- I think this game is flawed.
- It's possible to enjoy a flawed game.
- Enjoying a flawed game does not mean you lack intelligence.
- Enjoying a game doesn't mean it's well designed.

Wrong thread. Also wrong fire - analysis of the visuals ain't gonna have any impact on the love of the feathery little critter.
1) What's the correct thread?
2) Why would the analysis of the visuals have any impact on the love of the feathery little critter?

Have you played the game? No. So why are you commenting negatively when you cant back up your claims by a first hand experience when those disagreeing with you have first hand experience?
Also since you havent played the game, how can you have an opinion let alone define "constant disobedience" in the game?
So, do they exist or not?

Then whats the problem?
The relation between the realistic AI and the flow of the game.

Then whats the problem?

I dont get your opinions/observations. You are calling the game frustrating and that it has bad design when people love it. You even used remarks that imply that people that like the game dont know what they are talking about. Why are you trying so much to jump from one negative to the next without coherence?
Some people love it, some people don't, as exemplified by the video impressions I posted.

But you seem to find flaws in what people loved about it. Which also happens to be the backbone of the game. And you said that the game design sucks. If the game fundamentals and therefore design sucks you imply that the game sucks as well.
In what some people loved about it.

How on earth can you dismiss that people factually loved it and enjoyed it?
No matter how much people loved the game you are trying to forced down their throat that they didnt. I dont understand you. You dont make any sense.
Some people love it, some people don't, as exemplified by the video impressions I posted. Mhhh, is that an echo I hear?

No. Then why are you dismissing that it actually adds positively to the experience and you call it bad design?
Is Trico acting against the interests of the player good game design?

Also why on earth are you trying to needlessly "throw a stick" into the fire? What are you trying to accomplish?
Express my opinions / observations.

It is a unique enjoyable experience, targeted for a niche, and the final product is beautiful to behold thanks to its art direction. If the game was downgraded (which isnt but lets assume it is for the sake of the discussion) this wont change that it is still a great game, aesthetically and in terms of gameplay and succeeds at what is trying to do.

But yes, the HDR post processing was downgraded.

It's not randomness.

People are now doing speed-runs in under 5 hours, easily. It's even one of the trophy. You think it's just luck?
So it's deterministic? Trico always obeys the commands given?
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