Dobwal, we're going in circles. My opinion on the matter is clear. My deferment to Kaz's, or any other Sony execs statements, completely non-existent. Why you would want to frame things in an absolute fashion based on this man's statements is beyond me. Under the assumption that somehow we're misunderstanding each other though, I'm happy to drop it.
BUT, even if Kaz's scenario were to come to pass word for word, it still would have resulted in a better situation than if we simply never saw a price-cut at all. And in the world where Kaz's quote is fixed and valid, that would have been the only alternative.
Whatever happens, its better for the potential PS3 purchaser than what things were looking like just two weeks ago.
This strategy might be better than doing nothing at all. But we all know that the 80Gb sku's internals are cheaper and that the 20 additional gigs for Sony doesn't come at $100.00 premium. So in all actuality the 80 Gb should be able to occupy a cheaper price point better than the original 60Gb could.