Wow that looks terrible. I wonder at what point is DigitalFoundry ever going to speak objectively about the image quality of Switch ports
I mean without constantly bringing the "b-but it's mobile!" argument to enrich even their commentary on docked mode graphics.
They likely won't. Because, you know, it
is mobile. That's kind of the point. It comes equipped for 2-player local multiplayer
anywhere out of the box.
That it allows you to play current high budget games originally intended for PS4/XB1 while in bed is icing on the cake.
We don't even have to comment on the results, anyone can watch youtube vids on a cell phone screen, and, if we discount the youtube compression, judge for themselves how they feel about the quality on offer.
Aren't we done kicking the Switch for not being a mains tethered clone of the other offerings already on the market?
For anyone interested in multiplatform games, the unique benefit of the Switch is that you can play them anywhere. In bed, on the veranda or balcony, in transit...
While it can be used as a stationary console when you desire the full couch experience, that's never been its draw.
Why would anyone with our kind of PC hardware play a multiplatform game anywhere other than on the PC, which allow us to tailor the performance to our preferences?
Portability is the only thing that could provide a draw.
For me it's my desktop's Vega 64 with a 10-core/20-thread Xeon @ 3.2GHz and 64GB RAM!
Which I've been using to.. erm.. play Fallout 4 a couple of times a month.
I'm worse, I'm playing Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines from 2004 on my Vega 56.

Seriously, while I hoped that the Switch would ship with Parker, we know its specs quite well now. It is what it is. There really is no news to be had since TechInsights did their scan of the chip, and Eurogamer shared the clocks.