"Nintendo Sees 50 Million GameCube Sales by 2005"

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hovz said:
u have no insight if u think nintendo wont flop on its ass come next gen.

the number of people happy with just childrens games made by nintendo is rapidly shrinking

Thanks hovz. Your posts are always so informative.
Nite_Hawk said:
I'm curious, are you claiming to be a marketing major?

Yes. It's what I do every day. :)

Seems to me that Microsoft blew a lot of money spinning it's wheels. They do indeed have Bungie/halo, but other than that, I don't think they've really got much that entices gamers beyond what Sony does. The brandname is semi-relevant, but it's not enough to make up for other faults. Look at what both Sega and Nintendo have gone through. A single generation can turn your empire into rubble. Sony had best remember that as well.

I think the most important thing for a console is to have atleast one "must have" game out at any given point. Sega had the original sonic games, Nintendo has mario (though lately Zelda and Metroid seem to be driving their console more than mario), Microsoft has Halo, and Sony has the FF franchise plus a number of other games. Almost everyone I know has bought a particular console primarily for one game. I pretty much have a gamecube for the windwaker, and a (used) xbox for fable.

The only reason I'll buy any of the next generation consoles, is if there is a game on it that I want so badly it drives me to cough up the money to buy it. I think a lot of people are like this.

You make some very good points. But however you perceive Microsoft's entry into this market - as a success or failure - the fact of the matter is that it now has its foot in the door. The money it spent and lost on Xbox can be viewed as nothing more than payment to simply buy a shot at the crown.

Now it has that shot. Let's see what they do with it.

As to your other point about big-name games, I know the 'box is a little short of marquee titles. But perhaps this is when Microsoft's investment in Rare will pay off? Imagine a killer version of Perfect Dark or Killer Instinct. (Rare does still own the rights to Killer Instinct, doesn't it?) I know I'd be excited.

I'm hoping they have some surprises up their sleeves. As I'm sure you'll agree, they'll need it.
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