"Nintendo Sees 50 Million GameCube Sales by 2005"

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I'm looking forward to a few games myself, not just one. To be specific, Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory, Giest, Killer 7, Advance Wars, Batman Begins, WWE DOR 2, Fire Emblem, Monkey Ball 3, Legend of Zelda and Mario 128.
Well I looked at it as out of the games you listed, the only two. LOZ and monkey ball 3 (maybe). I thought you were listing only the the titles already getting a lot of attention before release? I simply can't get excited about mario 128 as there's too little information on it. I think a lot of GC fans want tha ttile just becuase it has mario in the name ;)

Btw, I'm not fully interested in all the titles that pozer listed. I'm only interested in 4 of those games, well possibly 5 or 6.
Teasy said:

I'm looking forward to a few games myself, not just one. To be specific, Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory, Giest, Killer 7, Advance Wars, Batman Begins, WWE DOR 2, Fire Emblem, Monkey Ball 3, Legend of Zelda and Mario 128.

Has Jungle Beat came out over where you live ?
Teasy said:

I'm looking forward to a few games myself, not just one. To be specific, Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory, Giest, Killer 7, Advance Wars, Batman Begins, WWE DOR 2, Fire Emblem, Monkey Ball 3, Legend of Zelda and Mario 128.

while ur playing ur crappy ugly ps2 port of chaos theory, xbox owners will be playing the game much closer to the way tis meant to be played.
Inane_Dork said:
Hey, that was pretty uncalled for. Just let the man entertain himself (that is the point, last I checked).

well its extremely annoying when people try to act like gamecube isnt a complete and utter failure for nintendo.
hovz said:
Inane_Dork said:
Hey, that was pretty uncalled for. Just let the man entertain himself (that is the point, last I checked).

well its extremely annoying when people try to act like gamecube isnt a complete and utter failure for nintendo.

And its extremely annoying to see hovz in the majority of his posts try to find some way to squeeze in a disparging remark against Nintendo.
hovz said:
well its extremely annoying when people try to act like gamecube isnt a complete and utter failure for nintendo.
What would have you say if they had lose billions with GCN ... ? ;)

It 's clear that Nintendo have not sold as much consoles as they would have liked to, but what is annoying is the fact that points like the following are easily forgetted :
1) N64 had the same problems 5 to 7 years before (kiddish image + 3rd party support), and "good thinking people" already stated at this time that Ninty "had to evolve", but today Nintendo is still making money on the home console market.
2) I read that, for 2003, Nintendo made nearly as much money than Sony (only the console division). I don't read any comments for 2004, but to me it's amazing !
3) The argument "20M Xbox sold = brand recognition" is simplistic. I won't argue further more on this, but i am not quite sure that M$ has acquired a so much good reputation for its console and the next gen one.
4) Nintendo reputation : see NDS startup ... To me, it's clear that people have still faith for their product.

As an hardcore gamer, i am annoyed by other hardcore gamers judging the success with "macro economic numbers", etc.

edit : about points 1 and 4, my purpose is not to say Nintendo is doing fine and/or have a good politic. I just think these are things some people would better remember. As somebody said : "people have no memory".
oli2 said:
2) I read that, for 2003, Nintendo made nearly as much money than Sony (only the console division). I don't read any comments for 2004, but to me it's amazing !

Well Gamecube had nothing to do with that.
What would have you say if they had lose billions with GCN ... ?

I really hate this argument as it jut doesn't matter to the end consumer, why should I care if they are profitable when I get the games I want to play? Even MS knows that it wasn't going to happen this generation, so why bring that up in an arugument when in reality it simply doesn't matter? The overwhelming majority of money nintendo made was related to the GBA and the monopoly they "had" in the portable space IMO.
At the rate they're going, it will take them 10 years to get to 50million GC sold.
Besides, this arguments on losses and brand recognition is all crap. The end consumer only sees one thing. He goes into ElectronicBoutique and sees 4 shelves packed full of PS2 games, 3 shelves for PC games, and 1 each for Xbox and GC.
Qroach said:
There's certainly more xbox games then gamecube or PC titles at EB. Atleast any EB I've seen.

Here, there's a whole lot of space dedicated to PC, including all those crappy £9 old games...
In north america, EB wanted to almost stop carrying PC games altogether, so now they only take first to market titles (so 1 order of new PC titles) and popular franchises.The PC market over here is pretty weak for sales. Only big name titles (Halflife, doom 3, warcraft, etc) are making any money. So the PC section is smaller then it once was here... of course some stores are different.
oli2 said:
3) The argument "20M Xbox sold = brand recognition" is simplistic. I won't argue further more on this, but i am not quite sure that M$ has acquired a so much good reputation for its console and the next gen one.

Not a marketing major, eh? The argument is sound. By getting out there with a high-power console and delivering some great titles such as Halo, and, erm, Halo 2, Microsoft has gained a foothold in the market that it can parlay into real success if it plays its cards right.

Me, I'll almost certainly buy an Xbox 2 because I was impressed with the console, many of its games, and of course, Xbox Live.
Kolgar said:
oli2 said:
3) The argument "20M Xbox sold = brand recognition" is simplistic. I won't argue further more on this, but i am not quite sure that M$ has acquired a so much good reputation for its console and the next gen one.

Not a marketing major, eh? The argument is sound. By getting out there with a high-power console and delivering some great titles such as Halo, and, erm, Halo 2, Microsoft has gained a foothold in the market that it can parlay into real success if it plays its cards right.

Me, I'll almost certainly buy an Xbox 2 because I was impressed with the console, many of its games, and of course, Xbox Live.

I'm curious, are you claiming to be a marketing major? Seems to me that Microsoft blew a lot of money spinning it's wheels. They do indeed have Bungie/halo, but other than that, I don't think they've really got much that entices gamers beyond what Sony does. The brandname is semi-relevant, but it's not enough to make up for other faults. Look at what both Sega and Nintendo have gone through. A single generation can turn your empire into rubble. Sony had best remember that as well.

I think the most important thing for a console is to have atleast one "must have" game out at any given point. Sega had the original sonic games, Nintendo has mario (though lately Zelda and Metroid seem to be driving their console more than mario), Microsoft has Halo, and Sony has the FF franchise plus a number of other games. Almost everyone I know has bought a particular console primarily for one game. I pretty much have a gamecube for the windwaker, and a (used) xbox for fable.

The only reason I'll buy any of the next generation consoles, is if there is a game on it that I want so badly it drives me to cough up the money to buy it. I think a lot of people are like this.

look at it this way, whos in a better position going into the next gen? answer microsoft. they are more popular with the gamers who actually buy games, more popular with 3rd parties, have more money, better marketing, will have a better console, and ultimatly sell a crapload mroe of everything than nintendo will. they will be 2nd to sony but still faaaaaaaaaaaar ahead of nintendo.
hovz said:
look at it this way, whos in a better position going into the next gen? answer microsoft. they are more popular with the gamers who actually buy games, more popular with 3rd parties, have more money, better marketing, will have a better console, and ultimatly sell a crapload mroe of everything than nintendo will. they will be 2nd to sony but still faaaaaaaaaaaar ahead of nintendo.

Between MS and N you mean?
Even then, it's all very arguable.
Surely MS has the advantage of a headstart, though we still don't know how big it will be. Nintendo might just do things right this time around, in the end they will always have Nintendo games and there's a lot of people who are just happy with those. What if MS can't get enough 3rd party support? or What if what they get is crap? We could play the What If game all day, it's useless, but certainly better than shoot "they WILL this and they WILL that" when we really know nothing.
Hovz it is time for you to stop trolling the console forum. Please do not post here anymore as any posts will be deleted .
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