"Nintendo Sees 50 Million GameCube Sales by 2005"

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TEXAN said:
The question that we should be asking then is why is Nintendo even bothering with the Revolution? Why are they even bothering with another console?

Because they are profitable and have $7B in the bank? Because they believe they can broaden their market with new "innovative" ideas? Because remaining in the home console race they keep mindshare and shelf space for their portable console line?

It is all about current profits and future earning potential. As long as Nintendo and their investors see green on the other side they will continue--even if it offends certain adult gamers. I could easily say, "I do not understand Myst... Deer Hunter... the Sims" as a male gamer between the ages of 16-49. But the point is the games are aimed at specific demographics. As long as Nintendo is profitable within their target audiance they could give a rip what others think.

Really, I do not understand this post. We all know that the GCN did not live up to Nintendo's projections and that 3rd party support is really lacking.
Teasy said:
I agree that what really matters is how well a system does not how well it does compared to what the company wanted.

I say, 'it depends'. Oftentimes we have (rather pointless imo) discussions about if a console is successful or more successful than its rivals. One metric that is oftentimes used is how well it sold through compared against predictions coming out of the company itself.

So maybe it is important to those discussions - which may not matter to you. /shrug.
Ty said:
I say, 'it depends'. Oftentimes we have (rather pointless imo) discussions about if a console is successful or more successful than its rivals. One metric that is oftentimes used is how well it sold through compared against predictions coming out of the company itself.

So maybe it is important to those discussions - which may not matter to you. /shrug.

I agree. I think that Nintendo really needs a wakeup call to really consider how they are running business. If how they are running business now resulted in them hitting less than half their projections it means they either need to adjust how they make prejoctions, or if not satisified with adjusting those numbers, they need to step back and evaluate how they are doing business so they can sell more products.

As much as I like Nintendo first party games, I have a hard time seeing how they will do better unless Revolution has real innovation that gamers want and are able to attract more 3rd party support early on (like NOW). This does not mean Rev wont have great games, but I cannot see them selling more systems without changes in those two areas. But Nintendo may be happy with 30M total consoles sold every generation and being company providing most of the software on their platform. Their bottom line, so far, has shown this to be good enough. But you wonder for how long with Sony inching in on their portable turf.

I am rooting for Nintendo to change its course because we all like competition and innovation. I would like to see all three companies do better beacuse that means the consumer really wins.
"The first three million sales are easy. It's the next 100 million that are tough."

It's a quote taken out of context. Him saying that doesn't mean MS is targetting 100 million consoles sold.

That's online reporting for you.
There was another 100M quote, that sounded more like what I wrote in my previous post, but again, as I said, and as your quote would also imply, it sounded more like a why-the-heck-not speculation, than any serious prediction.
Big difference between a company projection and an executive giving a PR blurb of a prediction. On is for investors and company forcasts, the other is PR and "product confidence". What, MS execs are to say "Well, know the first 3M are easy, after that we are not sure. We hope for 20M, and if things go our way we may hit in the 50M range". These guys have the jobs they do because they are confident and then try to back it up.
I don't know why people disparage Nintendo so much - whether the cube is setting the world on fire or not, it's still basically tied with Microsoft for #2 spot. And of course, the point has been made that the cube, regardless of sales, is still a profitable machine for Nintendo.

Things would be different today if Apple followed the nay-sayers advice of yesteryear and 'got out of the business' for sake of it's 'lackluster' computer sales. Regardless of whether Nintendo ever regains it's crown or not, it will always fill a niche.

Anyway, Nintendo's miscalculation with GameCube is nothing on the scale of Intel's with Itanium - I think that's the way to look at things. ;)
As for the Gamecube, it's undoubtedly at a pretty sorry state right now. If you look at the release list at EB website, you will see that PS2 and XBox have close to 20 games each coming out in April, and Cube has exactly one (and a crappy one at that).

Its two actually :) Anyway that one month isn't indicitive of the whole year. GC currently has about half the amount of games set to come out in the remainder of the year when compared to XBox. I think that will change, in GC's favour, at E3. As far as game quality and exclusives I don't see anything on XBox that's going to compete with LOZ, or RE4 which is already out on GC. PS2 is another story of course.
xbdestroya said:
I don't know why people disparage Nintendo so much - whether the cube is setting the world on fire or not, it's still basically tied with Microsoft for #2 spot.

Hm, let's see... Nintendo is a 25+year veteran to this industry, and Microsoft ties them for #2 with its very first console. What part of this doesn't deserve disparaging? :)
Kolgar said:
xbdestroya said:
I don't know why people disparage Nintendo so much - whether the cube is setting the world on fire or not, it's still basically tied with Microsoft for #2 spot.

Hm, let's see... Nintendo is a 25+year veteran to this industry, and Microsoft ties them for #2 with its very first console. What part of this doesn't deserve disparaging? :)

Well I can't argue with that. 8) Still, for people to say that Nintendo should give up and exit the console race when they are still making money at it is just crazy talk. This is business, after all, not a life-or-death race for the #1 spot. ;)
Hm, let's see... Nintendo is a 25+year veteran to this industry, and Microsoft ties them for #2 with its very first console. What part of this doesn't deserve disparaging?

That would indeed be bad if MS were actually making money from the console market, like Nintendo. But they're not, you can do just about anything if your willing to lose enough money ;) How much has it cost MS to tie with Nintendo this generation?, $3 billion?, $4 billion?
TEXAN said:
The question that we should be asking then is why is Nintendo even bothering with the Revolution? Why are they even bothering with another console?

Nintendo makes money, unlike what Sega was doing during the Dreamcast years.
Qroach said:
As far as game quality and exclusives I don't see anything on XBox that's going to compete with LOZ, or RE4 which is already out on GC.

Well, you weren't looking, now were you?

Conker and Forza look pretty sweet. Pariah may be pretty good also (will have to wait and see). Although already out, and not an Xbox exclusive, BiA is a really great game. Any others off the top of your head Q?

While it is good that MS has some good games for 2005, I wonder about their strategy. Yes they have a larger install base on the Xbox than on the X2 come fall, but if they are serious about being competive next gen they need some killer games up front. Hopefully by 2006 they can have Halo 3, PD 0, a Conker and Forza Sequal, Kami, and maybe some other great games on store shelves. If they have a lul in AAA titles Sony could walk right in and take the lead by 2007. It will be exciting to see who comes out with what and when. Maybe we will see GT5 in 2006?
Well, you weren't looking, now were you?

I looked yeah, as I said I don't see anything there. If you disagree then fine, but you might as well post the games you think will compete.
Yeah, I'm waiting for Psychonaughts, conkers, forza, and jade empire. Anyway, I have more then one exclusive game to look forward to.
Qroach said:
"The first three million sales are easy. It's the next 100 million that are tough."

It's a quote taken out of context. Him saying that doesn't mean MS is targetting 100 million consoles sold.

That's online reporting for you.

I'm sick to death of people claiming that this was a "100 million" sales claim, it blatantly isn't. Not only is he extremely clearly making an extremely generalised illustratory statement, but 3 million + 100 million = 103 million *NOT* 100 million.

Bah. :devilish:
There's big difference between announcing huge goals at the beginning of the generation than near the end of it. At the rate of 2 great games a year they're only gonna have to keep selling it for 10 years....

I looked yeah, as I said I don't see anything there. If you disagree then fine, but you might as well post the games you think will compete.

nope, no xbox releases ;)

1. Jade Empire
2. Conker
3. Forza
4. Toca 2006 (no GC version)
5. Batman Begins (no GC version)
6. Splinter Cell: chaos theory
7. Pariah
8. Dead to Rights 2 (no GC version)
9. Stolen
10. Unreal Championship 2
11. Stubbs the Zombie
12. WWE wrestlemania XXI
13. America's Army (no GC version)
14. Psychonauts (no GC version)
15. Suffering 2 (no GC version)
16. Doom3
17. Fear and Respect (no GC version)
18. GTA: SA (no GC version)
19. Rainbow Six: Lockdown (no GC version)
20. The Godfather (no GC version)
21. Predator: Concrete Jungle (no GC version)
22. MotoGP3 (no GC version)
23. Advent Rising
24. Obscure
25. First to Fight
26. Still Life
27. Battlestations Midway (no GC version)
28. Without Warning (no GC version)
29. Beatdown: fists of vengance (no GC version)
30. Midnight Club : DUb edition

my hands are getting tired typing all the games that aren't on GC... :D
There's big difference between announcing huge goals at the beginning of the generation than near the end of it.

That prediction is from June 2002 (9 months after GC was released), nowhere near the end of the generation.

Oh and I didn't say there was no XBox games released. BTW Batman Begins and Rainbow Six: Lockdown are both being released on GC.
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