Nintendo GOing Forward.

you guys should remember , now that Mario run is done and all the assets are done and engine is done. They can just fart out a Mario run 2 next year charge $10 again and make another $40m on ios and then whatever on android.

Also I think Mario run would sell fine on the 3ds and switch. For the switch that is a game that would get close to the 6 hour battery life on the high end and I could see that being popular for people on long trips or in short spurts .

I still think they need to make a Street pass game for android / ios . Use your Miis and go on silly adventures with the people around u that also play . That was very addicting on the 3ds so much so that I would carry my 3ds with me to theme parks just to get more street passes.
you guys should remember , now that Mario run is done and all the assets are done and engine is done. They can just fart out a Mario run 2 next year charge $10 again and make another $40m on ios and then whatever on android.
What makes you think everyone who bought Mario Run would want a sequel? Especially if using the same assets so it looks like the same game.
My complaints were with the doc's
eg the cloth (which I added a week or 2 ago)
the doc's tell you next to nothing, eg
Bending Stiffness Bending stiffness of the cloth.
Stretching Stiffness Stretching Stiffness of the cloth.
well thats useful as I would of never known that :)
How should documention be?
See Microsoft,google,mozilla,unreal,apple etc etc
Unity's doc's are chiefly expanded
btw I ended up writing my own cloth routine, it was quicker :)
Ha I've recently started working with unity again, 3 years later and the Documentation is still pure crap
Sorry Zelda and Mario fans, Nintendo's president says game development will only get even longer and more complex in the future

What a shame. I think part of why switch was successful was that nintendo was not doing what everyone else was doing. I hope they dont go the path of current slow AAA development.
What a shame. I think part of why switch was successful was that nintendo was not doing what everyone else was doing. I hope they dont go the path of current slow AAA development.
hope they won't suffer the issues of forever games like @iroboto calls them.

"It's a cursed problem." Diablo 4 is so big that even its creators suffer from it, there are problems that take 200 hours to find. Diablo 4's Lead Class Designer says "To really try our game you need to spend your life playing".
