Rangers wasn't looking at the month, he was looking at accumulated sales throughout this generation.Instead of looking at one NPd result, look at the whole core console market for the past five generations. It's been steadily increasing, culminating in the fastest launch of a new generation ever, while Nintendo's share of that core market has been steadily decreasing.
Your reasoning is exactly the one that Microsoft displayed when they predicted this generation to range from 400 million to one billion. The future will show who is right. I very much doubt that stationary game consoles is a growth market going forward. Unless, possibly, if you include GoogleTV, FireTV, AppleTV and similar platforms, but I don't think that is what you're arguing.
Possibly. But we'll never know that, will we?Yep. But had they launched with a decent product in 2012 capable of offering a next-gen experience (a high end 2012 console would probably be comparable to XB1 is my guess), they'd be the one with the install base, the library, and still be relevant for all cross-platform titles.
Personally, I doubt that launching with a beefier GPU and a 128-bit GDDR5 interface would have made much of a difference to their fortunes, even though I would have preferred such a design myself. It's academic at this point, and there is no way to turn back the clock and redo the experiment.
20/20 hindsight.Didn't work and likely wasn't going to because the Wii audience were mostly fad buyers. They bought Wii, played some waggle games, then shelved it and took to tapping games on their smartphones.
Doesn't mean that the decision didn't make sense at the time. It may still gain them some sales down the road as their library expands.
First off, I think it would be ill advised to dismiss the Wii. It teaches some interesting things. Just because Nintendo hasn't been able to replicate that success with the WIiU, doesn't invalidate the Wii as an example.If we ignore Wii as an outlier, the console market has shown what it takes to be successful. The right product at the right price with all the games. Relying on just exclusives is a path doomed to failure. Nintendo got a lucky stay of execution. Maybe if their execution on the tablet idea wasn't quite so lame, they'd have managed a success, but Wii U's chances never looked that good. Prior to release we heard noises of Nintendo aiming to be more 3rd party friendly. Turns out that was bunk and they produced a platform pretty much irrelevant for third parties. I guess Nintendo's whole 3rd party strategy was to release the Wii U and hope it sold gangbusters, creating an audience of such size that devs wouldn't be able to ignore it.
Secondly, I don't think it was ever the idea to be on equal porting footing with the PS4 and XBOX One, rather the goal was to get ports from the PS360, and thus flesh out their library, particularly in the beginning. It was not a total failure either, and if the console had gone on to sell well after the initial launch, we might have seen more of it too.
It is telling that you still believe that stationary consoles is a growing market. If that's where you're coming from, then small wonder that you don't see Nintendos plans for the future as the best idea going forward.