Nintendo about the PSP



- Die Software von Sonys PSP und dem Game Boy Advance unterscheidet sich, so dass beide Systeme nicht in direktem Wettbewerb stehen werden.


The software of Sony's PSP and the GBA will be different, so the two systems will not play in a direct battle.

Are they nuts? Of course they will play in the same market. I feel like Nintendo will experience the same as with the Playstation vs. N64 battle. They will completly lose with this kind of thinking.

Thx for the link. :)

The last time I read an interview with Iwata, it was not much different to be hones.

cybamerc said:
Sony has said the same thing. Are they senile losers as well?

Yeah, but for a totally different reason. The problem is that if Nintendo sees no battle coming, then it could happen really fast that the PSP will have a huge impact to the GBA market. Sony just said that to let people know that the PSP will not be a GBA 2.

McFly said:
Are they nuts? Of course they will play in the same market. I feel like Nintendo will experience the same as with the Playstation vs. N64 battle. They will completly lose with this kind of thinking.

No, they're not nuts, what do you expect them to say really? "The PSP will technically outclass us and force us out of the marketplace", or something like that? THAT would be nuts, of COURSE they'll downplay the significance of the PSPs more advanced hardware, especially early on in an attempt to slow down Sony's hype-train before it really gets rolling.

Grall said:
McFly said:
Are they nuts? Of course they will play in the same market. I feel like Nintendo will experience the same as with the Playstation vs. N64 battle. They will completly lose with this kind of thinking.

No, they're not nuts, what do you expect them to say really? "The PSP will technically outclass us and force us out of the marketplace", or something like that? THAT would be nuts, of COURSE they'll downplay the significance of the PSPs more advanced hardware, especially early on in an attempt to slow down Sony's hype-train before it really gets rolling.


exactly.. like the whole "GC will not be in direct competition with PS2 therefore it will succeed" crap.... :rolleyes:
if anyone is dumb enough to think that the psp is going to be in the same price range as the gba sp is crazy. Even if sony gets the psp out for 100-150 nintedo can just price the game boy advance at 50 or 25 . The system is that damn cheap. Also when the psp comes out nintedo will have an updated gameboy. Most likely in the same price range as the psp and will be backwards compat. So mabye the psp isn't a threat. Mabye it is. But i'm sure nintendo is watching sony very carefully and will do thier best not to let a repeat of the psx happen.
london-boy said:
exactly.. like the whole "GC will not be in direct competition with PS2 therefore it will succeed" crap.... :rolleyes:

You sure they really said that? I don't remember them saying that. Anyway, what I said is still valid, so there. :LOL:

jvd said:
if anyone is dumb enough to think that the psp is going to be in the same price range as the gba sp is crazy. Even if sony gets the psp out for 100-150 nintedo can just price the game boy advance at 50 or 25 . The system is that damn cheap. Also when the psp comes out nintedo will have an updated gameboy. Most likely in the same price range as the psp and will be backwards compat. So mabye the psp isn't a threat. Mabye it is. But i'm sure nintendo is watching sony very carefully and will do thier best not to let a repeat of the psx happen.

bit of a contraddiction here... u say by the time PSP comes out, GBA will be cheap as f**k.. fair enough, the fact that GC was MUCH cheaper than PS2 didnt really help it...
then u say that by the time PSP comes out, Nint will have a successor of GBA out, i guess at the same price range as PSP...
Nintendo ARE going to get a hard time from Sony like it happened before, whatever excuse people make up.
london-boy said:
jvd said:
if anyone is dumb enough to think that the psp is going to be in the same price range as the gba sp is crazy. Even if sony gets the psp out for 100-150 nintedo can just price the game boy advance at 50 or 25 . The system is that damn cheap. Also when the psp comes out nintedo will have an updated gameboy. Most likely in the same price range as the psp and will be backwards compat. So mabye the psp isn't a threat. Mabye it is. But i'm sure nintendo is watching sony very carefully and will do thier best not to let a repeat of the psx happen.

bit of a contraddiction here... u say by the time PSP comes out, GBA will be cheap as f**k.. fair enough, the fact that GC was MUCH cheaper than PS2 didnt really help it...
then u say that by the time PSP comes out, Nint will have a successor of GBA out, i guess at the same price range as PSP...
Nintendo ARE going to get a hard time from Sony like it happened before, whatever excuse people make up.

I don't know about that .

Look say the system comes out 2005. The psp is priced at 150 (fair price for something with the tech it is said to ad. ) Nintedo has on the market the gba and gba sp. Say the gba is 35$ and the gba sp is 75$. To fight the psp nintendo releases a 150$ gb2 that is close to the specs of the psp or slightly lagging. The catch is the gb2 can play the 1300+ games that are already out for the gb , gb pocket , gb color , gba , gba sp. Its the psp that will have the up hill battle. When the psx came out sony had the time advantage . With the ps2 it had the time advantage and a large selection of games. This time sony wont have either of those advantages.

Sony will also need to worry about the ton of parents that would buy the very cheap gba for thier kids . Figuring the kids have all the games already and for a price of 50 and under its a steal. Sony will give nintendo some trouble . But i don't think it will be enough .
Grall said:
You sure they really said that? I don't remember them saying that. Anyway, what I said is still valid, so there. :LOL:


I think what N implied was that GC and PS2 cater to different age-group so both will not be in direct competition.
But now they have the advantage of the brand name and all the fanboys and it looks like the specs will be so much above the GBA specs, that Nintendo will have a hard time to get near them, especially if Nintendo still want to earn money from the first day with their harware. And an other point is that the PSP will be the first big 3D handheld, so Sony will sure brand it as the one and only and real and first 3D handheld, ya know Sony is very good at feeding the trolls.

That said, Nintendo will have to bring out a real and strong 3D platform or hope to get as much as possible out of the GBA-extended 2D games till they have something strong enoufgh to really have a knife against the 3D handheld platform Sony has created.

I think what N implied was that GC and PS2 cater to different age-group so both will not be in direct competition.

And having N say this doesn't help their kiddy image problem ;) "Our games are for everyone, but we're not competing with MS/Sony's age demographic.. which leaves pre-teen and seniors.. yea!"
zurich said:
I think what N implied was that GC and PS2 cater to different age-group so both will not be in direct competition.

And having N say this doesn't help their kiddy image problem ;) "Our games are for everyone, but we're not competing with MS/Sony's age demographic.. which leaves pre-teen and seniors.. yea!"

psssssst..... "kiddy"..... bad move.... *hides and waits for the horde of trolls coming to defend Nintendo's grown up image*
psssssst..... "kiddy"..... bad move.... *hides and waits for the horde of trolls coming to defend Nintendo's grown up image*

Hey - I was just pointing out Nintendo's own contradiction, I didn't say shit :p
zurich said:
psssssst..... "kiddy"..... bad move.... *hides and waits for the horde of trolls coming to defend Nintendo's grown up image*

Hey - I was just pointing out Nintendo's own contradiction, I didn't say shit :p

u know.... it's one of the board rules... thou shall not use the word "kiddy" in the same sentence as "nintendo"... :D
like, thou shall not use the word "good" in the same sentence as Sony....
or thou shall not use the word "big" in the same sentence as XBOX...
One major difference between GBA (or GBA2) and PSP is that PSP will have many features outside of gaming. (such as movies in the PSP format) With powerful hardware, 3rd-party support (yes, Yamauchi.. the same guys that make games for GBA) and a versatile platform for multiple forms of entertainment.. the PSP is aiming to beat Nintendo into the ground with this.

I hope that th' Big N has a strong competitor brewing in the next Game Boy, or this could be trouble!
Why in the world did Sony let out the news at this E3? It was a rushed early statement that did nothing but let Nintendo know what your plans are 2 years ahead of time. They had no pictures. No design. No games. Only vague specs. Nintendo needs to thank Sony for this gift.

If I'm Nintendo I do nothing but keep supplying the GBA to the masses. Keep making great games. It's obvious that Sony PSP is'nt ganna be a direct competitor to GBA. It's another "media player" that is portable. PSP will prolly be about $149.00 to $199.00 if not more. GBA will have "the games mayun.. tons of em". Playstation fans should have that line memorized by now. It's what has sold the PS and PS2 name.