Sony dealers conference tomorrow ... PSP price maybe?

Teasy said:

Not sure if the price of DS games has actually been officially announced has it? Anyway I hope your not expecting PSP games to be cheaper..

Well know software prices this week in the DS presentation conference.
Teasy said:

Not sure if the price of DS games has actually been officially announced has it? Anyway I hope your not expecting PSP games to be cheaper..
If DS games were $50 (which I doubt... I certainly HOPE not! :oops: ) I imagine the PSP's would be. They should be cheaper to produce, and certainly offering cheaper software would help alleviate the pain of more expensive hardware.

The DS hasn't announced their cartridge costs officially yet, but since $50 would be almost unsustainable for a portable device that wants any type of mass volume, I rather doubt they're aiming there. My own guess would be $40 at launch, and lowering it later if needed to spur sales and increase competition.
hey69 said:
you americans... :rolleyes:
almost every new GBA game is launched here at nearly 50euro
Yes, well you should be used to the "dollar = pound" conversion by now. ;) (Though I thought that would make it be under 45 euro for the most part for GBA games.)

Though seemingly--while still more expensive--regular console games don't quite follow the same conversion. (You seem to cap at £40, while our new games typically hit $50.)

But basically, pretend the GBA games cost not ~50 euro but ~75! (To follow a roughly equivalent ratio-of-more-suckingness.)

Most new GBA games in the U.K are £24.99 (36 Euro's).

BTW on DS game prices. I'm hearing that DS games will be priced at $29.99 in the U.S. I've also heard that the full game of Metroid: Hunters will be included in the $149.99 price (not the demo). This is just according to a friend of mine though...
Teasy said:

Most new GBA games in the U.K are £24.99 (36 Euro's).
Yes, well 'twasn't me what said 50 euro. ;) I took a quick look at Amazon-UK and saw most of the new titles (I sorted by release date) were £29.99, which I assumed was retail at least. That's not to say one can't get it cheaper easily anyway, but I'm not a euro-shopper so my chops aren't up that way. ;) Seemed like it was at least "normal" since GBA games tend to retail for $29.99 here, while you can always find them cheaper. I assumed hey69 was either rounding a bit, or perhaps in a slower market than the UK.

Yeah £29.99 probably is the U.K recomended GBA price. I actually thought you were saying that the U.K price was the equivalent of 75 Euro's. Which is why I posted.

Incidentally for buying games in the U.K are pretty good. Most new GBA games there are £24.99 with free delivery.
Maybe for Europe, they have to pay extra for the cost of translating to all those languages ? :D Or maybe because Europe has strict anti dumping law, so instead of getting accussed they rather charge premium for you guys.

Why don't European import GBA games anyway if they are cheaper that way?
The reason EU prices are higher than American prices is that the EU price includes tax already while tax is accessed on top of the US price. Overall though European nations rely on sales/VAT taxes far more than the US does so the final price will still be somewhat higher.
That is certainly part of the reason, but it doesn't account for all of the difference. $30 is about 25€ (rounded up). Include 25% sales tax into the european price (which is a pretty high estimate for sales tax, e.g UK has lower IIRC) and you end up with 32€ or so. Which is pretty far from the 44€ that is a pretty normal price for GBA games here in sweden. My guess is most of the difference is taken by the retailers, buying from a good web shop you can easily get prices on regular games (PS2, Game Cube Xbox) that are 10-40€ lower than what you would pay on high street.
Most games in europe are released multi language though (usually 5 or 6), so i guess the whole localization thing adds a few euros. Or maybe europeans are just used to paying more and accept to get screwed :?
Why don't European import GBA games anyway if they are cheaper that way?

A lot of people do. I have been buying quite a bit of stuff from the U.S since the dollar plummeted. Usually with no tax added (you just have to buy from the right places :)).
Teasy said:
I have been buying quite a bit of stuff from the U.S since the dollar plummeted.

:oops: He used the p word!!

Expect those from the Political and Whatever Forum to tear u into pieces now with their socio-economic baseball bats.
Teasy said:
Yeah £29.99 probably is the U.K recomended GBA price. I actually thought you were saying that the U.K price was the equivalent of 75 Euro's. Which is why I posted.
Yar, no. I was just trying to translate over what a $50 game here would represent there.
Coming back to the PSP ... the more they delay the announcement the higher the price will be. Currently i'm expecting 299$, increase that by 10$ every week.
I think at the moment they're delaying it to make sure they have all their ducks in a row and not A) announce a delay before they have to or B) announce things they are forced to retract later.
thop said:
Coming back to the PSP ... the more they delay the announcement the higher the price will be. Currently i'm expecting 299$, increase that by 10$ every week.

How does that make sense? The longer it goes, the cheaper it should be, no?

Imagine if they delayed it by 1 years (52 weeks). Are you saying you expect it will be 299 + (52 x $10) = $819?
I'm thinking a few weeks here (for the price announcement not the actual launch!), not years. The later they announce it, the more scared they are to reveal the price. Same goes for battery.