I thought this thread, in this section, means business discussions wouldn't belong here. This is suppose to be just the technical aspects of what's been leaked. This thread shouldn't be "the craziest", as long as the business aspects stay out.
I don't believe the specs will ever be announced by MS, so that only leaves us the leaked info to go by. Sony never announced that RSX was downclocked, did they? In other words, it doesn't get much better than this. At the same time, this thread must exist. It seems perfectly sane.
It's the craziest, not because of the occasional business oriented discussion (which could impact technical specs).
No, the crazy part is that some many people have formed such strong opinions verging on the certainty that this console or that conforms to how they interpret the bits and pieces of rumored specs that we have gotten without knowing the whole picture.
Speculation is fine. I join in on that as well. But when speculation leads to comments like X console is doomed to failure or Y console is going to blow away X console, etc. That goes a bit beyond speculation talking about the technical merits or possibilities inherent in the VERY little information we actually know.