Targeting full 4K is not a matter only of GPU, you have to bump up HD (all is bigger), HD speed if you don't wait 15 min for each loading, RAM quantity, Bandwidth... Net speed. How much cost today a full 4K capable PC ?
Xbox One X does this well and you don't need a huge bump on the other aspects, you should compare consoles with consoles not PCs.
Yes a even better HDD and better and more ram are necessary but not that much, at least not because of 4K.
GPU power to have at the same time great graphics and native 4K is needed.
The biggest ? this gen imho is real time lighting.
Are we going to see raytracing? Probably not.
So what else? huge lightmaps again or something like those voxels technologies shown years ago?
I want next gen to be reallt next so they have to have powerful GPUs for whatever thing they want to do otherwise this gen will be a gen of transition before the next one with full 4K ray tracing that will be probably the last one.
After that we will see small improvements that don't justify a "next-gen" label, at least on the graphical side.