I like to buy complete games that attempt to immerse me in a complete experiences, such as the 1980s in Vice City. For some bizzare reason I don't think it would have been quite the same experience with Will Smith, Kanye West or Ricky Martin's new shit.
And perhaps i don't want to listen to 50cent ?
I have my own taste in music (heavy metal and death metal) and I didn't like much of the music in the gta games (vice city wasn't bad as it was 80s music )
Not to mention that u can still have alot of mp3 songs playing on a small amount of space
I wouldn't expect that you would... Nor is there a single form of data compression that you mentioned which will miraculously give a developer the freedom Blu-Ray will (Shannon... what an asshole.. heh); and PlayStation2 doesn't use any form of data compression? Never ever?
What ocmpresion does it use vince ? and where does it uncompress the data too ? Its little amount of ram ?
As for texture compresion it only has jepg compression and its my understanding that its pretty much fubar and serves no usefull puropse .
So please list the compresions it has compared to the xbox . Also please explain to me why the pc version of vice city is a 1.49gig iso and the san andeas version is a 4.3 iso on the pc yet vice city fills an entire dvd on the playstation ?
I'm sory how do you know that bandi is pushing the hardware ? To u belive that this video your showing me is where the xbox 360 will end in graphical power ? We aren't even into the first gen of software and the devs have had the final hardware for about 2 months now and yet some how bandai is pushing the system ?well its pretty much a given they will have to top Saints Row in order for non gta fans to atleast have interest in it, and SR is already pretty impressive imo.
and remember bandai? they didnt really push the hardware either last gen...but looks like they pushing things now.
I can agree with u that gta has to look better than saints row , However saints row will be far from an impressive game graphicly as the requirements for a persistant no loading world is much higher than that of a lvl based game .
Not to mention to make a modern city feel like its alive you need tons of characters and cars and tons of huge buildings . You can already see the huge diffrence between saints row and oblivion in graphical quality. You will see a huge diffrencei n graphics betwen gta 4 and other big games on the ps3 .