Go deferred with your shadows (it's going to be a big win in a game with lots of characters on screen..) and re-use the memory for the shadow maps also for your main render target (though it's less relevant on 360).How do you deal with the memory hit? To get good looking shadows with shadow maps needs lots of memory, especially if you need all players on screen to have reasonably good looking shadows as well as realtime shadows cast by all stadium geometry. With shadow volumes the memory hit is tiny.
Stencil shadows are dead..for so many different reasons that it would be better to open a new thread just to discuss that.
What technique are you referring to here?I think bandwidth can become relevant, it just depends on how many items are casting/receiving shadows.
With shadow maps you could use some super simplified geometry for the stadium and draw it once per shadow map with minimal overdraw -> big win.In our case aside from game characters, we need realtime shadows for all stadium geometry since the sun moves during play. It's only a stencil pass but still, it can occupy large swaths of the entire screen depending on the time of day.
Amazing shadows..In comparison shadow mapping techniques so far seem hit or miss, although I do hear that Uncharted has pretty good shadows.