Next gen consoles: hints?

jvd said:
Qroach said:
special DVD's? what are those?
I dunno thats what I was told :cry: . My sources aren't the best that there are . Although sometimes I get very good info

I guess it all depends on who these guys are... Do they have a good track record so far, that you know? I mean, have they given you any other info that turned out to be true in the past? To be honest, that info you gave is expectable enough to be true. Although i'm not sure about the "special DVD" thing...
"Special DVD's" = AOD? <shrugs> I certainly hope they aren't planning on avoiding some of the features people now feel are "baseline" for consolse (CD/DVD play) or having much less media storage space again. Piracy protection is one thing, but it hasn't been anywhere near as prevalent as it was for PS1/DC before, and starting off on equal/better footing IMHO is much more advantageous.

Still not sure why they didn't upgrade their optical drive and adjust their casing slightly to play DVD's in their current units. Developers would still predominantly use their current media format, but could have the OPTION of going out to DVD if need be, and meanwhile even just being a DVD player for $99 would surge sales even more than they have now. (And it's not like they'd be interfering with their other DVD player sales. Hehe...)
I thought we already had official concept images of the PSP. Isn't this it?


As far as "special DVDs" for the next Nintendo machine, it could be those 100gb red laser dvd's that were talked about earlier. And I too don't understand why Nintendo doesn't just release a modified GC with DVD support, for 20 or 30 dollars more even. They could still undercut XBox and PS2 whilst taking away one of the main "bullet points" those consoles have over GC. But alas, if it was going to happen it probably would have occured by now.
What's the point of making a gamecube play DVDs, just for the sake of it, because the competition's got that feature?

Makes it much like a gimmick feature now doesn't it? GC *games* can't use the extra capacity anyway, and I guess one could argue those that want DVD movie playback are more or less bound to have bought it from someplace else already anyway.

For me it would be no reason to pay yet another license fee to the DVD consortium, I've done it twice already with my PS2 and PC.

We indeed already have official concept pics for the PSP, but the ones posted earlier were for some Tiger Telematics proposition called Gametrac.
Clashman said:
it could be those 100gb red laser dvd's that were talked about earlier
100gb? I think that would have a company ejaculating on their competition, and their competition saying "quite right, quite right." :p ;)
Grall said:
What's the point of making a gamecube play DVDs, just for the sake of it, because the competition's got that feature?
This would be the old "for the hell of it" thing, and giving added value to consumers, which increases the desirability of a product. DVD playing is hardly a "gimmick" and $99 DVD players in and of THEMSELVES are a pretty good price. If it doesn't cost them much overall to implement it, why the hell NOT pursue it? It becomes what one calls "stupid good" and will lead more people to buying one's console in general, which leads to more people buying one's games, and more developers wanting to tap those people... See, there's nothing bad from this. ;) That it puts you on equal footing with your competition is all the better, to boot. You are not perceived to have a "lack" of a common and desired ability. HOW many years did iMacs carry a "no floppy" stigma though people probably rarely used the floppy drives they DID have anyway? (I know all mine has been around for is an emergency bootup disk.)
Grall said:
GC *games* can't use the extra capacity anyway, and I guess one could argue those that want DVD movie playback are more or less bound to have bought it from someplace else already anyway.
Just having DVD playing capability would be good enough, but I wasn't aware of any insurmountable technical problems that would forever keep any developers from using the medium for the machine. Adjustments, certainly, but what is stopping them? (Obviously they would be excluding all previously-sold GameCubes and that would be enough to stop most developers, but there are still some who like "shtick" and standing-out enough to support a DVD version as well. I'm sure Nintendo wouldn't mind promotionals either.)
Grall said:
url=For me it would be no reason to pay yet another license fee to the DVD consortium, I've done it twice already with my PS2 and PC.
Well that's true enough, but that's all a part of the "cost analysis." If enabling the feature would cost too much in manufacturing chages and parts and fees to make it worthwhile, then they shouldn't adopt it. But if they'd increase hardware costs by the same percentage as they can assume extra sales... I say go for the extra sales every time. (Especially since they can then sell some of the same peripherals Xbox/PS2 have been doing the whole time to make up for it.)

What's better, a $99 GameCube without DVD playback, or one with? ;) So long as they're not compromising their consumer price point (and I don't think it would be worthwhile to make/distribute a whole other line of ~$125 GameCubes with DVD play being the only other distinction) or their other features/stability, the number-crunching is always worth investigating. GBA linking is a "gimmick" and the EyeToy is a "gimmick," but things like DVD and CD play have come to be looked at as commonplace on consoles now, so if they can work it to their benefit they certainly should.
london-boy said:
jvd said:
Qroach said:
special DVD's? what are those?
I dunno thats what I was told :cry: . My sources aren't the best that there are . Although sometimes I get very good info

I guess it all depends on who these guys are... Do they have a good track record so far, that you know? I mean, have they given you any other info that turned out to be true in the past? To be honest, that info you gave is expectable enough to be true. Although i'm not sure about the "special DVD" thing...
Well all my ati info is dead on and all my Creative info is dead on from these people. So I'd say its like 80% true. If not a 100% true when they were told or heard it. Only thing is how old the info is I guess.

As for special dvds I believe They fall between gc discs and standard discs in size . That way dvds can't be used to copy the media .
I dont think that Nintendo could pay anyone enough money to get exclusive use of a technology which could put 100 GB on what is basically a CD-R.
MfA said:
I dont think that Nintendo could pay anyone enough money to get exclusive use of a technology which could put 100 GB on what is basically a CD-R.

Unless there isn't any other demand for the medium...
Similarly.. tell me I'm wrong in two years. ;)

It's cool new tech to be sure.. but markets tend to stick to standards.
If they were truthfull about the technology they would have an instant market in computer users ... since it would take minimal investment to introduce it to market (recorders and players would just be CD-Rom devices with a firmware upgrade) they could just start there and make a profit and wait for the rest of the industry to come begging.

Build it and they will come does work if you are orders of magnitude better than your competitors (AOD and Blue-Ray). Content providers would not go for an AOD or Blue-Ray based format if they had any market presence and were able to offer them a much cheaper proven alternative (DRM can be added to any media, so that is no plus for AOD/Blue-Ray).

The technology which comes to my mind when I think about the potential of this is MP3 ...
cthellis42 said:
Just having DVD playing capability would be good enough, but I wasn't aware of any insurmountable technical problems that would forever keep any developers from using the medium for the machine. Adjustments, certainly, but what is stopping them? (Obviously they would be excluding all previously-sold GameCubes and that would be enough to stop most developers, but there are still some who like "shtick" and standing-out enough to support a DVD version as well. I'm sure Nintendo wouldn't mind promotionals either.)

The thing is, I don’t think I have ever heard any actual Gamecube developers complaining about the capacity of the disc, and I don’t think any released games, that doesn’t rely on hour long FMV, and super highres preerendered backgrounds, have even come close to filling a whole disc.
1.5Gb is a lot of storage space, if we are talking about stuff like textures, geometry and sound.

There is DVD version of the Cube out. It’s called the Panasonic Q.
It’s just matter of Panasonic/Matsushita getting their act together, and release it in the west.
Still, they're developing the known limits. Increase the limits and they have more design options. Any developer can find SOME way to fill it up. ;) Even if it mainly just brought FMV and extra features (one of the cooler things about the EA LotR games and others--I would love to see more developer interviews and behind-the-scenes looks of games and all that), it's still better to HAVE the room. ^_^

And yeah, I forgot about the Panasonic Q. I'm thinking the price a BIT steep to be accepted, though... ;) Never a bad idea to get baseline implementation in place if you can fit it, tho.
Grall said:
Those pics are so obviously FAKE I can't believe you'd even bother to link to them. Look at the buttons on the controller thingy, they're located so far down on the controller there's no way you can press them with your thumb while still holding the controller properly.

You're looking at it upside down :LOL: The way you're thinking, the face buttons would be on the left, and the stick on the right...

And it obviously wouldn't be the controller for a new console - only one stick and one pair of shoulders...
The new nintendo system will most likely be the value version of whatever the r500 turns out to be

Really ? So its actually one team, developing for both N5 and Xbox2 ? I thought it was seperate team.

What are the chances that N5 and Xbox2 have the exact same chip ?
As I mentioned before, PS3 specs are making the rounds. Japan has talked about a game using 25k model characters. Yes I know, rather meaningless without more details but that's all I know.

X-Box2? How about the numbers, 3 & 256? Those specs are also making the rounds to developers.
Clashman wrote:
it could be those 100gb red laser dvd's that were talked about earlier

100gb? I think that would have a company ejaculating on their competition, and their competition saying "quite right, quite right."

100gb isn't really a lot ( About 12GBytes )

If a new system was slot loaded and had 2 red laser pickups ( one on top and
one below ) you could supply double sided dual layer standard DVDs with more than that capacity...