Betanumerical said:
I think it will end that we are all wrong and we all are partially right, nobody has the whole truth, this is why is funny for a tech lover to speculate over it.
some speculates with more salt, some with a lot of salt as 3Dilettante, shifty etc, some less, what transform a funny and good discussion is someone that want to make war, someone that say something as "you monkey, don't understand a "£$"%, your english is pathetic, you're ridicolous, what you say is moronish, give us your credentials, tard, you're high" and such approach
Shifty is right, there's some that weights more as argument, yukon, dae/vgleaks etc but this is still open to discussion, if blizzard or ubisoft employers says something is changed in memory/specs, you can believe they or not, I'm fine with this but you have to be fine with different thoughts too
this is why some users came here, then go away. and this is sad because shifty does a lot of work to talk even with who have little tech background, cudos to him (and a big sincere thanks); then being aggressive push them to escape;
I know that a lot of people on forums is emotionally sensible, who loves one brand of console, who loves a brand of graphic card, who loves a brand of cpu, if all the users will lose the calm who will win?
Some users as me or other have problems with the english written, too (sorry, I know, this is annoying) and it adds huge difficulties when others search an aggressive approach
I would like to give some contributes, some ideas, but just to make it clear, because some few users I (and others) feel the envirorment as hostile
so can we from this point to start the talk with a better SNR and peaceful approach?
no, it makes sense that the only game already known and announced is the one greenberg mentioned. it wont be just cod imo.
greenberg cant say "We're gonna show COD, the new PGR5, tease a new Gears, etc etc" because all that stuff except COD would still be secret.
but he can say, we will talk about COD and other games, not "it's the E3 for games" leaving to understand that the reveal event is not for games..
I don't care anyway about games now, I agree that E3 fits better for those, I hope that they will talk about services and hardware (and no time filler as people that dances the "love xbox dance" of musicians that plays or such things
I was questioning the logic of the FBI going after someone NOT leaking NDA'd info. In no way did I specify or even imply what I believe about SuperDAE. I don't even remember what he leaked!
I think that his leaks was legit, he cracked the microsoft net and stolen documents, so they are legit. after that he selled one dev kit and trying to sell another one on ebay.
of course microsoft sent the fbi... he know the final name and a lot of things that only few people around him knows too...
he said on his twitter, and personally to some persons, me included, that the specs are old. this can means that they are changed or that are old and unchanged, but the vgleak info are old even if they says otherwise
he enjoyed a lot the rumors-storm that he start in vgleaks and his twitter account
I'm not sure where fairness comes into it. Are we back to skepticism being hate? I admit I'm very skeptical of marcberry's posts
just to make it clear, I don't believe his math at all, but it's interesting and worth to debate about, at the same time I feel the hate against some brand in some users