I think some people are seriously underestimating what Microsoft is exposing itself to if it allows community games to be bought for points. I don't see it feasible for the hundreds or thousands of community members to be bound under contracts that would be necessary to protect Microsoft.
What if your game infringes patents?
What if your game infringes copyrights?
What if your game stops working?
I could keep going, but those questions have completely different answers for freely download content versus something Microsoft made money off of. Free content would get removed once a violation was found. But what if Microsoft netted hundreds of thousands of dollars off of a game that has a violation like one of these?
You've gone to the other extreme..
I'm not saying MS should offer all XNA games for points but merely that it would have been nice had they offered a model for 'premium' XNA content along side the free stuff..
Even if you're restricted to local distribution (aleviating the need for localisation) it would be better than nothing and a nice intermediary step in between setting up shop as a proper dev house & getting a publishing contract & dropping out freeware..)