New Splinter Cell 360 screens looking awesome.

sweet :oops: v v nice visuals, now i want see this in action

ps media blowout before E3 is amazing every day something new
Looks really great. But why are the colours so washed out (lack for better words)? Is that HDR overexposure?
Holy:oops: This game has made a remarkable turnaround from the initial screens. The textures and lighting are incredible.
Stunning. Better than the CG cut scenes from SC3.

Man, looking at these screens, i can't imagine how good games will look at the end of this generation, this is just crazy. This holiday is going to be ridiculous for games, SC3, RS3, BIA3, GOW, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Crackdown, Assassin and a whole crapload more.
from 1up

Pay special attention to Fisher's glasses in this shot -- you can use a special animation to flip them up onto his forehead, which determines how quickly your vision will adjust to the brightness of the outdoor it just looks cool. Fisher will also start to sweat on his head and arms if he stays out in the sun for too long.

sounds cool
looking very good, the only negative point would be the overdone bloom.
hopefully the developers will stick in an option to turn it off (+ boost framerate besides) or at least turn it down.
i very much like the 16th screenshot
I love the trail of blood in shot 7, if they do that dynamically we'll not only have to drag bodies into dark places, but be really careful about where we shoot them and the path that we take when we're hiding the bodies :)
I might actually buy the Xbox 360 i've been holding out for a while, just because i've seen this game :oops:
This good looking, so early in the life cicle of a new console generation ?