New PS4 Smell

Hi guys,

Haven't been here in a long while. Been so busy with work. Currently in China at the moment - actually commissioning a methanol plant - and reading all this buzz and excitement over the arrival of the next-gen consoles i'm ecstatic to get home before the end of the week to collect my nice shiny new PS4 from my concierge :D

Seems the impressions here have been pretty positive. Sounds good :)
Saw a video of ps4 voice commands and they worked absolutely fine ! And doesn't even require you to buy a camera for it, works with the supplied headset ! Definitely a winner for me, although I don't think I will use it for anything other than taking acreenshots maybe. Or powering off the console.
I've been waiting since forever (well, launch of PS3 actually) for Sony to do away with the need to "install" stuff you've downloaded. That's just super dumb, why isn't it doing that continuously as it downloads? Even on vita you have to manually "install" stuff. Would be nice if PS4 has done away with that, although I guess I'll find out myself in less than two days now. :)
Guys, is there a thing like "install of the digital games"? Is it "just download and play"?

I downloaded Flower and SoundShapes. Don't remember any install

On PS3, the explicit install is only needed if you use background download. Perhaps a security measure ?
Guys, is there a thing like "install of the digital games"? Is it "just download and play"?

Yes. Once a game has downloaded enough of it to be playable, there is a separate install process that will kick off once you try and start the game. You can also just let it do its thing in the background. While install is still there its a heck of a lot more seamless than on PS3 where after downloading (background downloading) you were left with an un-installed game icon sitting on your XMB that you had to kick off to get it installed (which couldn't be run in the background).

I've been waiting since forever (well, launch of PS3 actually) for Sony to do away with the need to "install" stuff you've downloaded. That's just super dumb, why isn't it doing that continuously as it downloads? Even on vita you have to manually "install" stuff. Would be nice if PS4 has done away with that, although I guess I'll find out myself in less than two days now. :)

Sorry buddy, you're out of luck this time around. Although, as I mentioned above, it's a lot better of a process this time around.
Gradthrawn thanks for reply. Can you tell does take much time like on ps3 nevertheless it's done automatically in background? And does it require free space twice the size of download?
Gradthrawn thanks for reply. Can you tell does take much time like on ps3 nevertheless it's done automatically in background? And does it require free space twice the size of download?

I'm not sure about the time. I'm too impatient to wait for something to install, so, I multi-task and do something else while it finishes what its doing. The couple of times I did watch it for some reason, it seemed to go fairly quickly (I don't have a good estimate) but I not sure I wasn't watching the end of an install process it had already started in the background . I've never monitored this closely enough to get a good feel for the process start to finish. That aside, I believe the double space requirement is now gone, but I can't verify that at either.

I'll likely get NFS Rivals along with DokiDoki and HoHoKum at some point in the next couple of months. I'll try watching one or more of those to see what happens. When a game is ready to install (after a partial download) you get a notification. Once I get that notification I'll kick the game off and see how long it takes to finish installing and then launch.
Yes, the double space requirement is gone. It wouldn't really work well with the download/install content while you play. ;) Should also mean that the install part should always be short? (like on Vita, the actual install does little more than add the icon and setup the Live Area)
Did some testing with PlayStation App and Online SEN Store (Sony Entertainment Network, formerly PSN). For clarification the PS App simply launches the mobile version of the SEN Store. As such it is referred to below as the Mobile SEN Store vs the Desktop SEN Store or simply Mobile and Desktop Stores. Here's what I've found:

Mobile SEN Store:
  • From the Mobile Store, applications & games (hence forth apps) can be purchased directly.
  • After purchasing an app (be it free or paid) a "Download to your PS4" button appears in the checkout page. This will queue the download up on the PS4.
  • Not all demos are visible from the Mobile Store.
  • Lego Marvel Super Heroes, for example, just had a demo release and there is a clear "Try the Free Demo" button under "Add to Cart" on the game's Store page.
  • Try the Free demo goes through a zero cost purchase which then allows you to download the App to your PS4 using the button provided on the checkout page.
  • NBA Live, however, has no such option on its game page (just "Add to Cart") and therefore the demo cannot be "purchased" and then sent to your PS4 from the mobile store (there is a Desktop Version button link at the bottom of the page, however, which can be used to clumsily circumvent this limitation).
  • Download List and Download Queue (see below) do not appear to be available from the Mobile Store.
Desktop SEN Store:
  • From the Desktop Store applications & games (hence forth apps) can be purchased directly.
  • Once you complete the purchase of an app, there is "Download to your PS4" button at the bottom of the page under "Your New Content".
  • If you go back to the Store page of the app you just purchased there is also a "Download to your PS4" button.
  • You can check your PS4 download queue from the desktop version of the SEN Store.
  • The Download Queue has tabs for PS4, PS3 and Vita, and (for the PS4 at least) show's what downloads are queued and their status (for example, "downloading"). .
  • Apps added to the queue from the Mobile Version of the page, on a separate device, may not show the correct information immediately (just a blank entry for something that's downloading). This is corrected with a page refresh.
  • The Download List from the desktop SEN Store lets you push downloads back to your PS4 as well.
  • The Download List shows all downloads attached to your SEN account across all platforms. There is no filter option for this list on the Desktop Store that I can see.
Remotely Queued Downloads:
  • Once a download is queued on the PS4, if it is in Standby it will wake out of standby almost immediately. The Orange standby light remains on, but you can hear the sound of the initial fan spin up if you're close enough.
  • The queued app is added to the downloaded list and it begins the download process.
  • Unlike System Updates, which all PS4's check for once a day, or App updates that PS+ Member's Primary PS4 check for daily at a predetermined time, remotely queued App downloads begin immediately without any intervention required on the user (outside of the PS4 being in standby mode).

A good start, but I'd like to see more consistency in regards to demos from mobile vs desktop (although there could be something I'm overlooking). Further, neither the mobile or desktop versions of the SEN store show download sizes pre-purchase for some reason. That is quite annoying. However, once they're in the Download Queue the sizes show up there and in the Download List. As it stands, this should be great for queuing up games/demos you want remotely to get a head start on the download/install process.
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Gradthrawn there is an option to add the purchases to download queue on checkout. You just need to scroll the page down. You might overseen it :)
Gradthrawn there is an option to add the purchases to download queue on checkout. You just need to scroll the page down. You might overseen it :)

Really? I could have sworn I looked twice. Thanks, I'll test it again with a free media app.
Sorry buddy, you're out of luck this time around. Although, as I mentioned above, it's a lot better of a process this time around.
Thanks. It's appreciated, you researching and posting about these things for us who are not yet worthy to purchase our own PS4s. :) (Thursday midnight can't come soon enough, lol... I even have a 3-legged stool ready for the waiting line.)

Wow. It seems like it will make a substantial difference if they can disable the DS4 LED.

Actual measurements:
So the LED disabled controller lasted somewhere between 26 and 36 hours of idle operation.

The actual time that the LED enabed DS4 lasted was between 13 and 15 hours

Theoretical measurements:
With LED on .08A (stable)
With LED off . 03A to .04A (variable)

The DS4 has a 1000mAh Li-ion battery therefore the idle battery life would be calculated as:

LED enabled: (1000/80) = 8.75 hours
LED disabled: (1000/40) to (1000/30) = 17.5 to 23.3 hours
Wow. It seems like it will make a substantial difference if they can disable the DS4 LED.

Actual measurements:

Theoretical measurements:

Yap, it looks like they picked a strong LED light purposely too.

So what I discovered when taking apart my DS4 is that these are some serious LED's in this controller. The LED's are actually so bright they sit behind a defuser and 2 shields (with 1 of those shields being completely opaque) the 4 LED's in the 360 controller are less bright by a significant amount. There appear to be 6 extremely bright LEDs inside of the array, and my experience with both LED light bars on ATV's and LED strobes on guns I can definitely say LED's do consume a measurable amount of power. If I had to guess what is eating up batteries in the DS4 it would be Rumble motors<LEDs<Buttons+analog.
Yap, it looks like they picked a strong LED light purposely too.

I wonder why they went with such bright LEDs just to be toned down by a defuser and 2 shields (1 completely opaque). I hope we get to see the reasoning behind this.

I don't know if what this person says is true, but it certainly puts things into perspective: []
Thoraxes said:
My Wii U gamepad (7-8 hrs) gets better life than my DS4 (6-7 hrs).

I wish I were kidding