New PS4 Smell

Unless there's some central server that remote play can connect through I doubt your vita could penetrate even one layer of NAT - unless you configure your router to put the PS4 in your DMZ or somesuch... Interesting experiment though - do tell us how it goes. :)
ah, so its always recording, right? I mean, I realise that something cool just happened, and I tap the share button, I will have the last 15 mins saved. Am I correct? Is there no way yet to get those videos or screens out from the PS4 other than uploading to FB and Twitter?
Also, pleaselink to your videos and screens, if u have uploaded any. :)

It is always recording, yes. And the last 15 minutes is available in the Share Menu when you go to it. What I didn't realize that was just simply opening up the Share menu apparently dumps the video from its buffer to the HDD. Since I played around with the Share menu a lot, and take lots of screenshots I ended up with 10 GB of recorded video that I didn't intend to at the time

Is there no way yet to get those videos or screens out from the PS4 other than uploading to FB and Twitter?
Also, pleaselink to your videos and screens, if u have uploaded any. :)

Correct, currently FB and Twitter are the only options. I don't have a FB account but I've seen video people have uploaded directly to it, and I've uploaded a couple of screenshots to the Twitter account I created for the PS4 FAQ. The quality of the original video/screen is largely lost. The original videos look pretty good, IMO, and that is not retained in the slightest with those 2 mediums. Sorry, I don't have any video to share at the moment since I just wiped the Capture section in order to verify its behavior. I do, however, stream most anything I play on Twitch. There's no commentary, mic audio or camera video. It's just me playing the game (with no regard for spoilers).

Brought Vita home to try RemotePlay over the Internet.

The instructions wasn't very clear. Turns out that the same PS4 Link app will try to search the local subnet first. When it times out, it will proceed to try Internet RemotePlay automatically.

The PS4 must be configured to listen to network traffic during standby.
My PS4 is behind 2 layers of NAT in the office. As expected, Vita failed to find the PS4.

When I get the chance, I'm move the PS4 to behind just 1 NAT. Will see how it goes.

I would suggest trying the direct to PS4 connection. You can see that option in the menu here. I have similar problems with Second Screen apps since I keep my wireless clients on a separate subnet than my wired devices. Granted, there is no NATing between those subnets but multi-cast traffic doesn't traverse between them (that's something I'll need to work on). Obviously broadcast traffic won't either (not sure what these apps use to look for the consoles). Smart Glass lets me manually put in an IP address to look for which works great (i'll see how well that works with the DHCP lease renewing). I'm hoping the PS App/PS4 Connect adds similar functionality. For the time being, however, the direct connect for RP works quite well.
Yap I have that turned on already. It works well when I'm in the office after some connection drops initially.
Yap I have that turned on already. It works well when I'm in the office after some connection drops initially.

Oh, crap, I completely overlooked that first part of you post (over the internet). Ignore me. :p

That said, unless your home network has a VPN tunnel back to your office so that it can reach it over a private subnet (across the VPN tunnel), you're not going to find the PS4 without a public IP to talk to, which would then need to forward the necessary ports to the NAT'd private IP of the PS4.
OpenDNS (dynamic dns)

The Vita still needs a hostname mapped to a public IP (which DynDNS can handle), then forwarded to a NAT IP (has to be handled on the router/firewall that your DynDNS entry is pointing to). Not sure how you'd get the Vita to look for a hostname either.
Does the LED remain on when the DS4 is always on ?
Yes, maybe it doesn't change anything but I wanted to be sure to avoid unknown power management kicking in, like bluetooth not transmitting anything and just trickling, or the internal CPU drawing less power when idle or something... Gaming time means data continuously transmitted so there's no unknown.

I have some results, This is the time until the controller shuts down automatically (ignoring the battery low warning). Rumble was turned off.

Led ON: 9 hours
Led OFF: 10 hours

At least we learned that the LED is definitely not a concern. Could be the CPU and/or audio and/or touch panel. The touch panel needs a continuous scan, so it could be a fair amount of power. Also the rumble motors are very massive compared to the DS3.
Does the Vita really need a DNS name in this case ?

I don't think you can even specify one. At least I have not seen such an option. One way or another, the Vita needs to know what public IP to use in order to reach the PS4 over the internet. Private IPs (10.x, 172.16.x, and 192.168.x) are not routeable across the internet, so it will have to use the public IP as the destination. That public IP (likely the edge router/firewall for wherever the PS4 is at) will then need to forward that Remote Play port (TCP 9293, IIRC) to the appropriate internal LAN IP assigned to the PS4.
Yes, maybe it doesn't change anything but I wanted to be sure to avoid unknown power management kicking in, like bluetooth not transmitting anything and just trickling, or the internal CPU drawing less power when idle or something... Gaming time means data continuously transmitted so there's no unknown.

I have some results, This is the time until the controller shuts down automatically (ignoring the battery low warning). Rumble was turned off.

Led ON: 9 hours
Led OFF: 10 hours

At least we learned that the LED is definitely not a concern. Could be the CPU and/or audio and/or touch panel. The touch panel needs a continuous scan, so it could be a fair amount of power. Also the rumble motors are very massive compared to the DS3.
I don't think it's the touchpad. I've been using a Logitech K400 with my HTPC for over a year and I haven't changed the batteries yet.

I got ~8hrs on my DS4 until the warning came up. FYI, you can charge your DS4 on a cellphone charger, but it might require sufficient amperage. My Nexus 4 charger (1.2a) charges my DS4.
I don't think you can even specify one. At least I have not seen such an option. One way or another, the Vita needs to know what public IP to use in order to reach the PS4 over the internet. Private IPs (10.x, 172.16.x, and 192.168.x) are not routeable across the internet, so it will have to use the public IP as the destination. That public IP (likely the edge router/firewall for wherever the PS4 is at) will then need to forward that Remote Play port (TCP 9293, IIRC) to the appropriate internal LAN IP assigned to the PS4.

The correct IP is communicated through PSN I believe.
Just got a Vita - preparing for the arrival of PS4 next week.
Vita is really a great piece of hardware indeed. I signed to SEN and downloaded Uncharted Golden Abyss with my 14day free PS+ subscription.
Love it!!!!
Just got a Vita - preparing for the arrival of PS4 next week.
Vita is really a great piece of hardware indeed. I signed to SEN and downloaded Uncharted Golden Abyss with my 14day free PS+ subscription.
Love it!!!!

Yes, can't repeat this enough, Vita is the best gamer device ever ! Just so good !
Yes, maybe it doesn't change anything but I wanted to be sure to avoid unknown power management kicking in, like bluetooth not transmitting anything and just trickling, or the internal CPU drawing less power when idle or something... Gaming time means data continuously transmitted so there's no unknown.

I have some results, This is the time until the controller shuts down automatically (ignoring the battery low warning). Rumble was turned off.

Led ON: 9 hours
Led OFF: 10 hours

At least we learned that the LED is definitely not a concern. Could be the CPU and/or audio and/or touch panel. The touch panel needs a continuous scan, so it could be a fair amount of power. Also the rumble motors are very massive compared to the DS3.

Yeah I think that approach isolates the LED consumption. That's why I thought it's a start to determine its rough consumption rate. I don't think the light itself consumes that much power.

I suspect it's a combination of all the factors. I also remember they said they have cut down controller latency further. Not sure what they changed there.

The correct IP is communicated through PSN I believe.

Yap, I think the first time we register the PS4 to the Vita app, it may set up a dynamic DNS entry for the PS4, or something equivalent.
Best Buy is going to have a sale over the next week, the 3G Vita bundle with 8 GB card for $170.

Still too much for just Remote Play.

Get it down to $100 then we'll see.
Best Buy is going to have a sale over the next week, the 3G Vita bundle with 8 GB card for $170.

Still too much for just Remote Play.

Get it down to $100 then we'll see.

Do it for the awesome PSP library and select Vita games.

If not, I think the next train is Gaikai for Vita. RemotePlay, cross play and cross buy stuff are more for existing fans unless they open these benefits up for say... iOS/Android crowd,
I also remember they said they have cut down controller latency further. Not sure what they changed there.
Probably optimizations to the bluetooth software/hardware stack... Can still be quite a lot of latency there; I remember from the days back when I had an early BT mouse, latency on the pointer was actually visible to the naked eye. Later gens improved that, but BT's frequency hopping and such is said to cause these kinds of issues.