New PS4 Smell

Probably depends on his usage and settings.

We have heard anything from 3 hours to 15 hours so far.

3 hours (actual usage) because the default DS4 setting leaves it always on even when your PS4 idles. Mine lasted about 9 hours in my first try.
As far as I'm concerned, both their tests and my own tests are currently in the "lack of reproducibility" bucket, because they don't match :LOL:
I wonder why they went with such bright LEDs just to be toned down by a defuser and 2 shields (1 completely opaque).

What's a defuser?

I'd think, one needs a (possibly non-uniform) diffuser for uniform looking lightbar and better color mixing.

That said, I wouldn't necessary call it toning down, ideally it's more of a redistribution.
The optical system on the leds is a good design and it's efficient for the purpose.

All parts serves to achieve uniformity in angle, in color, and in surface.

The TIR guide doesn't have much loss, the back plate is there to reflect back with a good angular spread, the front is to get a spread and blend. It's not that dissimilar to an rgb-led-based lcd backlight.

Try removing any of these components: Remove the opaque back you get less light (scatters inside the case). Change the back for a mirror, you break uniformity. Remove the diffuser you remove blending and it also removes the nice gaussian spread. Remove the TIR guide you get a flashlight.
Tell me once again what the purpose of the LED is for and why does it need to be that large of an area. Thank you.
Tell me once again what the purpose of the LED is for and why does it need to be that large of an area. Thank you.
The size and shape? You'd want it smaller?

It looks good, kids love it, what more do you want?

For tracking, the shape of this area is perfect. It wouldn't have any angular tracking precision if it was small. The width allows the cameras to operate at 240 FPS with reduced resolution, while still maintaining angular precision, glitch-free tracking and recognition, and very little processing.

For both the player ID and the effects in game, a small dot in front would be unnoticeable with a quick glance or peripheral vision, unless it had a higher brightness density, which would be a worse proposition. If it was in your field of view, or the field of view of the other players, it would be very annoying. A large area light source is softer and creates soft shadows so what it lights up in front of you, your clothes, fingers, won't create the sharp edges that a point source would, the gaussian spread reduces the flashlight effect, which would otherwise be annoying. so with this peripheral vision, the brain is less likely to detect the shadows as shapes, it will feel more like an area glow in front of the player.

When playing party games, the large area glow makes everyone see with their peripheral vision who's turn it is, or who got hit, or whatever effect needs to be seen as an indicator in the physical location of the player instead of on screen. So far as I've seen, kids love the glow, it gives them something physical and tangible. I think it can improves the social aspect of party games, a constant link between the characters, the in-game events, and the physical players in the room.
I'm actually very happy with the DS4, the trackpad has some utility for me. I know some are complain about battery life but I don't ever sit and play games for more than a hour or 2 at a stretch so its fine for me.

The PS4 hardware has been very good, never hot when I touch it and the noise level is virtually nonexistent. We probably use Netflix more than anything else, which my wife loves. Only complaint there is there have a couple times when Netflix bugged out and caused the system to lock up and I had to do hard resets by pulling the plug.

Overall we're very happy with the PS4 - the software can only get better as updates come out.
Tell me once again what the purpose of the LED is for and why does it need to be that large of an area. Thank you.
I think it's mainly for the camera, and I'm guessing they had to make it bright enough for it to be able to see it in brighter conditions. KZ SF also uses it to display your character's health (green is good, red means you're low on health, and I think orange signifies something, too).

I think Sony will eventually give the option to turn it off. Long pressing the PS button to get to the device/controller options seems to be the most logical place.
Easy detection on PS camera and aesthetics.

A simple IR emitter would have been simpler, used less energy and been just as effective. Most camera's are able to see infrared.

True it wouldn't be able to distinguish between players based on color, but you could do that with just player positioning in the camera FOV and/or facial recognition similar to Kinect.

In line for midnight launch, me and about 16-18 (depending of if women in queue are sufferkng GFs or actual customers lol) brave nerdy souls. Wish me luck. Now door unlocked! :D
Did the Move controllers with those light globes also have poor battery life?
The Move controllers were rated for ~10hrs IIRC, so about the same as the DS4. Not sure how accurate the results are from google, but I got:
DS3 - 570mAh
DS4 - 1000mAh
Move controller - 1350mAh
My PS4 is made in china. Has anyone seen any japanese PS4s - in europe or elsewhere?

It's really quiet when the disc is not spinning. My place is not the quietest - there's some ventilation noise and my PC rig is also audible (although really rather quiet when just idling), and I can't hear the PS4 fan over background. When playing Flower and muting audio I can hear the fan - weakly. Certainly well quieter than my PS3 slim, although I can't quantify the difference in any concrete way. It just is quieter, that's all.

Logging in via camera is very robust, I just stuck the camera on top of the PS4 on a shelf below my TV, maybe 40cm off the floor at most so it looks up at me, and it easily detects my mug. Menu system is smooth, except in PSN store where screen updates were jerky as hell for whatever reason. Maybe the sound of a million euro PS fans switching on their new consoles for the first time, I dunno. Flower was free download, Resogun cost money, and FlOw was nowhere to be seen. Guess it's not out yet on PS4 in europe... The system misunderestimated how much time downloads would take to complete. I noticed no separate install when starting Flower at least.

Interesting tidbit, by the time I had finished configuring the PS4 and headed off to the store, it had already finished downloading the new firmware patch without being asked to. Take THAT, nintendo, you and your bullshit 40+ minute downloads/updates! :mad: Patching the system was pretty quick, but not exactly instantaneous either. Can't make my PS4 see my 5GHz wifi network though. Doesn't sony know about dual band radios in this day and age...? *shrug*

Ok, time for bed and sleepies now I think. Will start actually playing this thing tomorrow. :LOL:
A simple IR emitter would have been simpler, used less energy and been just as effective. Most camera's are able to see infrared.

True it wouldn't be able to distinguish between players based on color, but you could do that with just player positioning in the camera FOV and/or facial recognition similar to Kinect.

No it wouldn't work. You can't have a camera that catch IR while you use it also for RGB, otherwise it would completely wash out the image and be unusable for RGB, or be way too dim for IR. That's why MS has a separate IR camera, they have no choice.

The color is not just for computer vision, it's also used for human vision and visual feedback. In fact you could say the primary use is NOT computer vision.

Move was 8 hours, I never had a battery low indicator with my move controller. Ever. I don't know what kind of sick person needs to wave his hands around for more than 8 hours straight, and can't be bothered to stop to eat or something. Not only that, but it has to be something that happens often enough to be on the internet whining about the battery life being less than his daily gaming session time. :rolleyes:

BTW, I think I'm going to completely ignore the neogaf battery discharge tests, they don't match mine, there's something wrong about them, and I disagree with their methodology.
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My PS4 has landed! UPS will be delivering it today, this evening, when I return home, it will be there waiting for me to unpack it!
My PS4 is made in china. Has anyone seen any japanese PS4s - in europe or elsewhere?
Mine is due today in the UK so I'll post once it arrives.

Mercifully GAME UK use DPD to deliver and they give you an hour slot in the morning and let you watch the van move around its delivery route on the web. All couriers should do this!