Sony's changes aren't much of a threat to GamePass because they aren't releasing their big hits on Day 1. This seems more aimed at fooling existing PS users that they don't really need GamePass and to look the other way.
MS 1st party is in a lull right now before the onslaught begins so it's good timing on Sony's part.
Timestamped at 15:24
Listen to Mark Medina's comments, he's basically towing that line already. Repeats the "Xbox doesn't have games" myth while claiming Sony released so many more first party games last year while Xbox only had Forza and Halo. Beyond the fact that Forza was many outlets GOTY, but by my count Xbox Games Studios released 5 games in 2021 including 1 remake in the form of Age of Empires 2 HD only on PC, and another PC only game with AOE4. Playstation Studios only produced 7 games in 2021, and yeah that's more, and yeah they are all on console but... One of those games is Nioh Collection, a rerelease of a PS4 games on PS5, and not really "Sony" games just published outside of Japan by them. Another was Ghosts of Tsushima DC, again a re-release. Death Stranding DC, rerelease. Really what they had for new games was Ratchet, Returnal, Destruction All-Stars, and MLB The Show 21. I'm not going to pile on Destruction All-Stars, I'm sure that's someone's favorite game. But is it on the level of Xbox's 4 console games (Halo, Forza, Flight Sim and Psychonauts)? And MLB was day 1 Gamepass. Also, when a first party Xbox game gets remastered, it doesn't usually count as a rerelease, because it's just updated and next gen content is handled via Smart Delivery. Doom Eternal and Hellblade received next gen updates in 2021, off the top of my head. Medina's is implying that there aren't enough exclusive Xbox games yet, and that the quality isn't there,
coming off one of the best years for Xbox first party games. I don't mean this as a callout to Mr Medina, I just noticed him as an example of exactly what you are talking about.
I think objectively the lack of first party day 1 access via the new PS+ makes it not a threat to Gamepass, and I agree that PS fans won't care as long as they get their own "best deal in gaming".
Also, watch Altano's face when Medina says he never wants to play Dark Cloud again. That's the right face to make tot that statement.