I have watched the lastest videos and screenshots and analyzed them a bit. First the Graphics seems much like before but they seem to have tweaked the blooming and perhaps the LOD a bit but the videos are dark and so are the screenies which makes it hard to see details.
Am I the only one to notice the horrible FPS, watching the videos the game runs at 15-20fps almost all the time (depends on scene) and 20fps average. Where theres little action to none and less to render it mantains 30fps with slight image tearing (vsync off). So in short it barely ever runs at 30fps but instead at 15.20fps and sometimes 20-25fps. And to clarify it is not the video recording as it then would not go from looking at the sky with dragon at 30fps to lanscape looking a 20fps and bridge fighting a 15-20fps.
Yes I can estimate the FPS with high accuracy as I have trained my eyes in this for 10 years of gamming on PC and consoles.
The AI for the ground troops arent activated until the player dragon/character comes near the bridge.
The water does look very good but then it is from far away but still good as I dont think it is necessary to bath the dragon regularly. The geometry for the landscape looks good but not high polygon (well still quite high but not anything beyond what has been done already in games like Oblivion, FS2004/x), reminds of Oblivion landscape geometry in design.
Neverthless seems like a good game if you like games like Serious Sam gameplay style but with different theme and more freedom?