New high-end Sega arcade board to be showcased this month


As you might or might not have heard, Sega is planning to reveal it's new high-end PowerVR arcade board this month at the Sega Private Show (taking place in Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka starting from the 20th of May). Rumors have it that Virtua Fighter 5 will be present, as the system's flagship title. This might well be possible, since some of the top Virtua Fighter players have been working closely with Sega, again. ;)

I am eager to see this beast in action, according to sources it should become more powerfull than any future next-generation home console. ;)
Wasn't this Magicbox rumor debunked? It a was a mistranslation or something along those lines.
Re: New high-end Sega arcade board to be showcased this mont

Evil_Cloud said:
I am eager to see this beast in action, according to sources it should become more powerfull than any future next-generation home console. ;)

What sources?. Any news on when the actual machines hit the arcades.
Sega veranstaltet 'Sega Private Show'

01.05.05 - Sega gibt bekannt, dass im Mai 2005 die 'Sega Private Show' in drei Städten Japans ausgetragen wird:

20.05.05 - Tokio
24.05.05 - Osaka
26.05.05 - Fukuoka

Auf den Veranstaltungen sollen aktuelle und zukünftige Automatenspiele vorgestellt werden. Vielleicht enthüllt Sega auch das längst überfällige neue Arcade Board, dass Sega bereits am 24.05.04 angekündigt hatte und spätestens Anfang 2005 gezeigt werden sollte.

Damals hatte Sega die High-End PowerVR Grafiktechnologie von Imagination Technologies lizensiert, um sie in neue Arcade-Hardware einzubauen. Sega bestätigte damals, dass diese neue Hardware an der Spitze von Segas Arcade-Technologie stehen soll, und identische Umsetzungen wohl erst auf der nächsten Konsolengeneration zu erwarten sind.

There's indeed a Sega Private show announced, but the part about the High-End PVR board is simply a wish/assumption from the redactor.
Holy shit!


According to this website, it's won't be shown on the 20th in Tokyo but in Fukuoka 26th the last date. Thus no clash with E3!

the site is in dutch but here is a translation-

The yearly Sega Private Show will this year be held in 3 Japanese cities. First up is Tokyo on may 20th, followed by Osaka on may 24th and finally Fukuoka will get the newest Sega arcade cabinets in on may 26th.

This edition will finally see the unveiling of Sega's new PowerVR arcade board, which was develloped in cooperation with the British Imagination Technologies.

This new system, that should become Sega's first next-generation arcade board was already announced last year. But it's not yet known if this will be the third NAOMI board.

The systems hardware will consist of a high-end PowerVR Graphics card. This technology was also used in the first 2 Naomi systems.
This is not just another graphics card. According to some sources only the next generation game consoles would be able to handle possible conversions, with concessions made in the graphics department.

One of the first titles should be Virtua Fighter 5.
Although the existence of this game is based on rumors, it's already known that the best Virtua Fighter players are cooperating with AM2 on a new part in the series, just alike they did with VF4 EVO and VF4 FT before that.
A new Virtua Fighter always appears on a high-end system, so the chances look promising that we will be able to marvel at some impressive footage come may.
"als het nieuwe systeem natuurlijk in de eerste plaats getoond wordt."

Mind the last sentence of the article. In English:

"if the new system is shown in the first place of course."

There's a degree of probability in it.


"Als eerste is Tokio op 20 mei aan beurt, vervolgens Osaka op 24 mei, en als laatste krijgt ook Fukuoka op 26 mei Sega’s nieuwste arcadekasten over de vloer."

This means the show is planned for Tokyo on May 20th, Osaka on May 24th, and finally Fukuoka on May 26th. The last part of the sentence means that these cities will get Sega's newest titles and cabinets on the show floor, and not specifically a new arcade board. "arcadekasten" is "arcade cabinets" in English, plural. ;)

And there's more flaws to your translation, all in all flawed. :p
There's a thread about this in another forum (3D tech, afair) where this rumor has already been shot down. There won't be any hardware shown, just software. So calm down people, nothing to get excited over...