New gaming LCD From Toshiba 23in and 32in 5ms

Why what rez you guys game at, you can't play higher than 1600x1200 on doom 3 or newer games with all setting to the max. You even need sli for that.
The low resolutions announced (1280x768 for the 23-inch and 1366x768 for the 32-inch), however, don't make the displays all that attractive to PC users

Response time is great, but the resolution sucks.
yea i heard about burnrate It was 2 years as opposed to lcd's that are around 5 years. But remember thats first generation, Plus toshiba has plasma out already, maybe its next generation. We'll have towait and see. Don't lie you guys are buying one for xmas
Nyo_S22 said:
Don't lie you guys are buying one for xmas
No I'm not, I'm still only using CRTs as they still are the best bang-for-buck solution.

london-boy said:
So i'm not the only one this little chap is driving insane then... phew....
Some days you get the bar, some days.... ;)
No radiation emitted from lcd or plasma ;), seriosuly though they are the best bang for the buck, but cathode ray tubes emit radiation. Plus lcd monitors and plasma look nicer, what rez u game at.
Nyo_S22 said:
no radiation emitted from lcd or plasma ;), seriosuly though they are the best bang for the buck, but cathode ray tubes emit radiation, plus lcd monitor and plasma look nicer, what rez u game at.

Yeah i've seen people dying from teh radiation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!11!1!11!
For real!!!11!11
People here don't "game". We look at 3DMark all day.
I play most of my games @ 1600x1200 and some of the older ones @ higher rez's (BF1942, Quake3 based games, ect @ 1920 x 1440). Some of the new ones I do need to turn down though.... :oops:

-edit- I keep a moniter on under my bed at all times. It's my version of safe-sex. ;)
Nyo_S22 said:
yea i heard about burnrate It was 2 years as opposed to lcd's that are around 5 years.
Actually, LCD gets some limited burn in quite quickly. I started seeing shadows of my Word desktop icon appearing recently, although it's a strange effect, until the actual icon has been there it's invisible.

Rearranging the icons has eliminated the problem. But my estimate is that's after just a few thousand POH hours (and less than half of those have been on the desktop). Evening use only, had the monitor about 2 years.