New Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core screens (PSP)

this is another reason for getting a a psp!
mine broke a week ago coz my little sister dropped it while jumping crazily on a trampoline :(
Can you tell us more about the gameplay?

Simply put, its a very good game. Perfect for portable console... here are some impressions from other boards:

kay, so I'm playing a little bit at work right now while there's no one in the office,and I'm REALLY REALLY liking the game.

The mission structure is like a folder tree in windows: You have your Shinra Power Company missions, and missions from other people. I just finished the Ifrit Materia Hunter quest, which was a short fight with Ifrit to obtain his materia. Now, I cannot arm the Ifrit materia, and it's listed in my item menu, so I can only imagine that after use, it disappears. I haven't tried it yet, though, so I'm not sure.

I do really like how the missions are sometimes long, sometimes really really short (sometimes even just a few seconds). The structure of the game was made perfectly for a handheld. They did an excellent job of making the game something where you can accomplish a goal within a small amount of time, instead of going through gigantic dungeons, and going into sleep every so often.

(the story has just begun, and it's still introducing characters, so I'll refrain from talking about it for now)

The graphical quality is wow. The facial animation is right up there with KH2, as is the body movement. Instead of using canned animations in every cutscene, SE did a great job actually doing unique animations for important cut scenes.

The battle system is a blast. I like the fact that the DMW (the slots) runs in the background while I fight. It's like a little christmas each time it hits a 7 and restores my HP, MP or AP. I definitely need to play more, but my initial impressions are that the game is not only of high quality, but does a great job of retaining the feel and ambience of FF7.

Just going to say I've been playing CC on the exciting limited FFVII PSP-2000 for the last five hours, and it has slain me. Every facet of the game is essentially PS2-quality, and the amount of optional missions is simply absurd. I've been playing nothing but optional stuff for four of the last five hours, yet the status screen informs me I'm only done with 6% of them.

The story missions are ridiculously easy, but many of the optional missions (especially when they're ranked "Very Hard") are actually fairly difficult. This pleases me. You can try missions way above your level if you want a challenge, and if you persevere they can be beaten with a combination of RPG and action gaming skills. Of course, the items and level-ups you get from them only make the story missions that much more easy, so it's a bit of a double-edged sword.


So CC is made of two things:

1.) Win

2.) God

Been playing for ten hours now, and S-E has nailed it to the f'n ground. Like Duckroll says, had this been released on PS2 as-is, it would sell two million copies. It's 100% consistent to FFVII's legacy, which is perhaps no surprise because Nojima wrote it all, unlike Dirge where he was just the "story supervisor". The only thing you can wonder about is why nobody ever mentioned Angeal or Genesis in FFVII if they were so freaking important, but I can overlook it.

Again like Duckroll said, this is a perfect combination of long-form, story-based home game and on-the-go portable quick-bite game. The story missions are plenty long with tons of cutscenes, but the optional missions rarely last more than ten minutes each. Brilliant combination.

I am loving it, totally engrossed. No S-E game since KHII has been this good. I'll get back to ya'll when I've beat it, but for what it's worth at this point, I'm going to say Team Kitase has Done It. They stepped up and brought their A-game to the table, no compromises. This is the most important PSP game yet, and it truly serves to highlight the difference between DS and PSP.

One amusing thing I've noticed is that some lines that were heard voiced in trailers are now just text, but if you look closely at the character models' lips, they're clearly synced to those lines. I can only assume they had to take them out to get the game to fit on one UMD, which is a bit of a shame. Think of all that work hand-animating lip sync for naught...

There is also a secret ending. After you finish the game 2 times, short animation starts. The same animation that was shown on e3 2005. rendered real time on ps3, the intro sequence of FFVIII with closing words: "To be continued in Final Fantasy VII". :)

Remake hint maybee?
Simply put, its a very good game. Perfect for portable console... here are some impressions from other boards:

There is also a secret ending. After you finish the game 2 times, short animation starts. The same animation that was shown on e3 2005. rendered real time on ps3, the intro sequence of FFVIII with closing words: "To be continued in Final Fantasy VII". :)

Remake hint maybee?
Thanks or the info.

And PLEASE God make the last part true :D
Considering how remake-happy they are already, and considering they already have all the groundwork in place, it almost seems a no-brainer.