I'm sorry, but the "it's an artistic desicion" is just a pathetic excuse by Itagaki. WATCH THE CG!! Does it look like the ingame models? NO. It's not artistic license. I'm honestly really sick of hearing that excuse, there is PLENTY of "anime-esque" or "Cartoonish" games coming out that are far better than DOA4. It's an excuse, plain and simple.
1) Team Ninja is being outright lazy.
2) Team Ninja doesn't have the resources to make the game better (be that talent, money, time, or experience... like lighting per say).
3) The XBox360 is much weaker than we think.
I can honestly only imagine it's one of those choices, and I'm pretty darn sure it isn't 1 or 3. Team Ninja has been known for nice looking games on only 2 occasions. Dreamcast and XBox. Why? Because they were by far the cleanest, easiest, and best supported architetchure in the industry (for Team Ninja's existence). I know, I'm not the first you'd point to as a fan of Team Ninja, but I'm being utterly honest and serious here. They are not the powerhouse of talent everyone thinks they are, and I'm not saying they suck, they just aren't the "we squeeze every drop of power from the hardware" kinda team. That's all just talk, and I've at times thought Itagaki talks the way he does is because he too knows this. He does his best to give his team's games as MUCH publicity as possible, and journalist and people LOVE talking about the jerk who said the crazy things and all everything surrounding him (we're doing it now). I'm betting the DOA4 engine is a patchworks job of the old DOAU engine with what revamps the time and ability the team had allowed (thus no lighting, since they really don't have much experience), but they can only do so much. Bah, you know I'm probably just ranting, so I'll just leave it at. I don't want to piss off anyone else, and I'm sure I have pissed off enough as it is. Sorry.